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RoH set to return...

Modified CravatPosted on 08/16/07 at 15:50:17

That's right. August the 25th will mark the return of one of the most respected promotions on the TNM Boards, RoH. Our first event back will be titled "Under Blackpool Lights". No matches have been signed yet but check back throughout the week.
rebelins313Posted on 08/17/07 at 00:34:51

Good to see you bringing it back.  My other computer crashed that had all of my PINNACLE stuff on it but I'll be looking forward to checking out your stuff again.  
Modified CravatPosted on 08/17/07 at 07:45:26

Ring of Honor's "Under Blackpool Lights" is almost a week away! Here are the signed matches for the card so far...

RoH Tag Team Title Match
Davey Richards/Nick Dinsmore -vs- Briscoe Brothers (c)

Mike Quackenbush -vs- Shane Storm

Chris Jericho -vs- Nigel McGuinness
CarlzillaPosted on 08/21/07 at 00:01:12

I still have all of my PW-Riot stuff. Maybe I'll join you for the return...then again...I'm up to my ears in crazy projects right now.
Modified CravatPosted on 08/31/07 at 03:54:41

aaaaaaaah been real busy lately sorry guys. should be up by monday