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Dixie Carter just facepalmed herself...

Drunken FoolPosted on 01/19/10 at 21:02:00
TheImpalerTMXPosted on 01/19/10 at 22:09:16

There are a lot more people facepalming themselves to this. This is terrible on so many levels. I know kayfabe is dead, but you should at least preserve it during your actual shows. I don't even know how this company is still running. So many times I've said to myself, "They'll be dead in another year" and yet that year passes with them still going on. They really can't afford to be doing things that directly alienate their fanbase like this.
Drunken FoolPosted on 01/20/10 at 03:15:52

On 01/19/10 at 22:09:16, TheImpalerTMX wrote:There are a lot more people facepalming themselves to this. This is terrible on so many levels. I know kayfabe is dead, but you should at least preserve it during your actual shows. I don't even know how this company is still running. So many times I've said to myself, "They'll be dead in another year" and yet that year passes with them still going on. They really can't afford to be doing things that directly alienate their fanbase like this.
Didn't WCW do a similar thing when they filmed in Universal Studios? They did if I'm not mistaken
jeff the god of biscuitsPosted on 01/20/10 at 03:38:32

Let's face it, as soon as Dixie turned the reigns over to Hulk Hogan, TNA died for so many people. I have never been a big fan of the product in the first place. Like so many others before me, it has always been WCW-lite. The wrestlers, outside of a few, where not compelling. The gimmick matches were too gimmicky. Bringing in Angle, Booker T, Sting, Scott Steiner did nothing for me. I know it did for some, just not for me.

But now, with Hogan waging his personal war against the WWE (the company that made him by the way, not the other way around) using TNA as his battlefield, the product has become sad. And irrelevant. If the company last for 18 more months, or 18 more days, it died a long time ago. The body just didn't know it yet. (no Rick, not Jesse "The Body" :D )

TNA had a niche. They were successful in that niche. Once they stepped out they stopped being successful. The downfall of TNA isn't coming, it already came. Now the chicken is running around without the head. Soon it will come to a rest. May we bury the body where it falls.
The TNM Members ChampPosted on 01/20/10 at 04:49:56

Tonight's tapings are even more hilarious because Angle and Hogan made nice after Angle spat on him. Not exactly Montreal Screwjob.
The TNM Members ChampPosted on 01/20/10 at 04:51:16

I think the true alternative is definitely Ring of Honor. Since I was able to upgrade to a HD set, I've been able to watch their program on HDNet. What an amazing show. It doesn't insult my intelligence and the matches are pretty competitive. Chris Hero vs. Kenny Omega reminded me of Barry Windham vs. Brian Pillman.
jeff the god of biscuitsPosted on 01/20/10 at 05:54:48

On 01/20/10 at 04:51:16, The TNM Members Champ wrote:I think the true alternative is definitely Ring of Honor. Since I was able to upgrade to a HD set, I've been able to watch their program on HDNet. What an amazing show. It doesn't insult my intelligence and the matches are pretty competitive. Chris Hero vs. Kenny Omega reminded me of Barry Windham vs. Brian Pillman.
I would love to be able to see this product for myself. Mostly because I use and push quite a few ROH stars in my TNM feds, and it would be nice to see them in the real world.
Drunken FoolPosted on 01/20/10 at 21:27:30

On 01/20/10 at 04:51:16, The TNM Members Champ wrote:I think the true alternative is definitely Ring of Honor. Since I was able to upgrade to a HD set, I've been able to watch their program on HDNet. What an amazing show. It doesn't insult my intelligence and the matches are pretty competitive. Chris Hero vs. Kenny Omega reminded me of Barry Windham vs. Brian Pillman.
ROH is Good, but I'm also liking DGUSA lately as well, especially Richards vs. SHINGO, That match was amany degrees of awesome.

CHIKARA is a also a good alternative if you are into light hearted stuff
Drunken FoolPosted on 01/20/10 at 21:28:36

On 01/20/10 at 05:54:48, jeff the god of biscuits wrote:

I would love to be able to see this product for myself. Mostly because I use and push quite a few ROH stars in my TNM feds, and it would be nice to see them in the real world.
There is this guy ROHbrazil on YouTube who uploads their HDnet shows (with permission from ROH and HDnet)
LillaThrillaPosted on 01/20/10 at 22:00:50

Why hasn't ROH risen above the Indy level after 8 years?
TheImpalerTMXPosted on 01/20/10 at 23:02:45

On 01/20/10 at 22:00:50, LillaThrilla wrote:Why hasn't ROH risen above the Indy level after 8 years?
Well they obviously don't have the money to keep guys once they get popular from going elsewhere. I think ROH has generally known its limits and has played it safe rather than making an aggresive, all-in move. I think the couple of shake-ups in ownership, management, etc. has probably forced them to yield going any further even when they are on a hot streak.

It definitely is more of an alternative to WWE than TNA is, that's for sure. I still think the only thing that could possibly do the same numbers as WWE would be a shoot-style UWF-I/BattlArts type promotion. There is really no one with the vision or the desire to venture into that territory right now. Give it a few years when there are a sea of MMA fighters who have hit their peak and are on the decline and it might happen.
The TNM Members ChampPosted on 01/21/10 at 04:41:27

If ROH could get some real money behind it, they would be in good shape.
pszPosted on 01/21/10 at 14:48:26

I think ROH saw what happened to ECW and said "Ya know what? We're making money, we've got a fan base... Let's not go crazy and drive ourselves bankrupt"

They realise they're a niche market, so they're milking that niche market as much as they can. They know they can't compete with WWE, so they don't even try.

It's not a bad business plan, afterall.
Rick GarrardPosted on 01/22/10 at 00:07:25

It definitely is more of an alternative to WWE than TNA is, that's for sure. I still think the only thing that could possibly do the same numbers as WWE would be a shoot-style UWF-I/BattlArts type promotion. There is really no one with the vision or the desire to venture into that territory right now. Give it a few years when there are a sea of MMA fighters who have hit their peak and are on the decline and it might happen.
Well isn't that kinda like the rumor of Shane McMahon somehow working with UFC in the future?
Psymin1Posted on 01/26/10 at 15:55:29

This has got to be the biggest bullshit I have ever heard.  What the hell is this joke of "entertainment"?  From Pro Wrestling, to sports entertainment, to this horse-shit?  As someone who has grown up watching pro wrestling in the days of ECW, WCW, and WWF where violence, vulgarities and sexuality ran rampant, this is borderline offensive.  Who the fuck is this toolbox to tell me how to enjoy my wrestling?  No "bird flipping"? No "bullshit" chants?  No swearing in general?  I hate to tell you, dumbass, you wouldn't be standing where you are today if it wasn't for Stone Cold Steve Austin taking a bible phrase, changing it around, and adding in a middle finger; pro wrestling became a multi-billion dollar industry BECAUSE of the fact that fans came to the arena to boo, curse, and flip off the wrestlers when they wanted to.  This is absolute horseshit, and has no place in pro wrestling as far as I am concerned.

I haven't been here in a VERY long time, but I saw the fake Montreal Screw Job with Angle and Hogan, and I needed to read about it and you guys are the only ones I trust with my pro wrestling news.  I wasn't planning on commenting, just reading, but this pisses me off.  If this is the future of pro wrestling, count me the fuck out.  Absolute bullshit.
pszPosted on 01/27/10 at 00:04:36

In a somewhat mildly related note....

The Rock, during an interview, said that one of the things he'd want to do with WWE would be to infuse the current "style" with some of the (now oldschool) "Attitude Era".

Dunno how likely that actually IS, but I think it'd be worth it. Never was a fan of Cartoony, PG stuff in The Biz, so I'm personally all for it.

However, with Linda still clinging on to her Political Future, I can't see this being a reality any time soon :-/

Oh, and welcome back Psy!
Drunken FoolPosted on 01/27/10 at 03:19:43

On 01/27/10 at 00:04:36, psz wrote:In a somewhat mildly related note....

The Rock, during an interview, said that one of the things he'd want to do with WWE would be to infuse the current "style" with some of the (now oldschool) "Attitude Era".

Dunno how likely that actually IS, but I think it'd be worth it. Never was a fan of Cartoony, PG stuff in The Biz, so I'm personally all for it.

However, with Linda still clinging on to her Political Future, I can't see this being a reality any time soon :-/

Oh, and welcome back Psy!
Yeah, but is PG as big of a problem as the WWE Lack Of Creativity Team. It was PG in the Hogan era too and nobody complained. Plus if you have to curse and swear in your promos to get over, than you aren't very good at promos to begin with. Roddy Piper got over just fine without starting bullshit chants
Snabbit888Posted on 01/27/10 at 05:08:42

Drunken Fool couldn't have said it better.  Everyone whines about the PG stuff.  That has nothing to do with it.  You don't like the writing.  PG has nothing to do with it.
jeff the god of biscuitsPosted on 01/27/10 at 16:42:40

On 01/27/10 at 03:19:43, Drunken Fool wrote:

Plus if you have to curse and swear in your promos to get over, than you aren't very good at promos to begin with. Roddy Piper got over just fine without starting bullshit chants
not to mention the Jericho, Taker (in Deadman mode), Shawn (now that he is a Christian) ... and these are guys who have been getting over in a "PG" style before WWE made it policy ... although to be fair, Jericho has changed his character a lot since his return, but he never really was Austin-esque in his promos ...

I have no problem with the PG product, although I do miss the Attitude era and the Monday Night Wars ... the business was a lot more fun and a lot less stale back then. But I think that really had more to do with the names back then than the product.

Would the PG label be so bad with Austin, Rocky, the nWo, the Horsemen, Raven's group, the WCW luchadors, HHH's DX Army, the Wolfpack, Sting, Goldberg, etc. that we had in the 90s?
LillaThrillaPosted on 01/27/10 at 23:40:27

On 01/27/10 at 16:42:40, jeff the god of biscuits wrote:
Would the PG label be so bad with Austin, Rocky, the nWo, the Horsemen, Raven's group, the WCW luchadors, HHH's DX Army, the Wolfpack, Sting, Goldberg, etc. that we had in the 90s?
Out of all that, the only non-PG stuff was Stone Cold and some of D-X.

Much of the non-PG stuff was the horrific garbage lower down the card: Val Venis (and the "choppy choppy your pee-pee" incident), Mark Henry and the transvestite, the pre-Divas, almost every time Mae Young was on screen, Tank Abbott pulling a knife on somebody, maybe Gangrel & the Brood drinking 'blood', maybe Undertaker crucifying Austin on his symbol, weird 'edgy' characters like Golddust.
pszPosted on 01/28/10 at 14:52:01

I personally hated the 80s because, as Paul Heyman once stated about TNN, "You couldn't say "I hate you", you had to say "I intensely dislike you"".

Things like that, TO ME, detract from the suspension of disbelief.

The occasional work-shoot (Cena did a damn good one) of the Attitude Era, the mixing of "Character" and "Reality", and the overall extra-freedom IN THE RING was what made me prefer the 90s style of wrestling over the 80s style of wrestling.

Personally? I hated Doink (We're talking "X-Pac Heat" here), and I loved Waylon Mercy. I loathed Bastion Booger, and thought Hardcore Holly was great.

The thing is, in a PG world, the writers ARE limited to what they can do, even if it's just in terms of how "edgy" it can be.

Are the writers worse now? Absolutely. Would the OLD writers have a better product in the current PG style? Almost definately. Doesn't change the fact, though, that at the end of the day, the "FU" is the "Attitude Adjustment", and that MVP, in the heat of being insulted, and called a convict, is saying he's going to "Kick someone's butt" or "Beat the heck out of you".

It just doesn't sound right, considering the circumstances that are supposedly happening in the ring :-/

And no, I don't think every other word should be an F-Bomb, I don't think we need someone flipping people off constantly, and promos would be even worse than they are now if they had to bleep out every other sentance.

I'm not saying we need 1996-era ECW promos and cursing. I'm not saying we need R-Rated Wrestling (Though Edge will be a refreshing return). PG-13 would be fine with me.
UnrightPosted on 05/16/10 at 01:00:57

On 01/28/10 at 14:52:01, psz wrote:PG-13 would be fine with me.
pszPosted on 05/16/10 at 06:16:29


(Yes, this brings the title of the thread back INTO the thread... Full Circle, baybee!)
MagicCityDawgPosted on 05/16/10 at 17:52:51

See, as one who has seen wrestling go through the late 60s to now, I have to say that pro wrestling has left me in the dust. While I still enjoy watching, I find, since I have Direct TV, that I watch AAA on Galavision, even though I don't understand what the announcers are saying (and yes, I have tried the SAP, and it didn't work, lol) and I watch a lot of PWO off the Sports Time Ohio channel, and now the local station here has GCW wrestling, that WWE and TNA have almost become secondary.

For me, I remember the time when it was not cool to root for the bad guys, or heels, or, as we called them, rulebreakers. I have heard of one fan who pulled for the heels all night, to be met by some of the other guy's fans, and got the worst butt kicking ever. Those were the days then.

Sometimes, I wonder if wrestling has really changed for the better. The "kayfabe" was the big draw in the day. it was supposed to be like that. You really thought that Abdullah The Butcher ate raw chickens, bounced his head on tables or ring post for the enjoyment of it, and was a wild beast. You actually thought that the Sheik had a magical way of throwing fire.

And that was the fun part of the whole thing. Yes, in the back of your mind, you knew different. That day came for me in the 70s. Going to a TV show in Columbus, GA, watching two wrestlers beating the crap out of each other, and then, on the way home, seeing those two wrestlers going to a Burger King, made me think.

My step-grandfather thought that wrestling was real up to the day he died. You was daresome to tell him otherwise. Now, when someone says that it is not real, I tell them to try it and see. I have never been a wrestler a day in my life, but I suspect that, a bodyslam does hurt, a missed frog splash, or even one that connects, has to hurt. Some of the holds, used as rest holds, if your oponent is not giving the proper reaction, can be made to get the proper reaction.

The fans have always been a part of the show, just were never told to this extent, so no surprise here. But, so are fans of the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, MSL, NASCAR, and any other alphabet league you can name. Without the fans, no sport, or, in this case, sports entertainment, is nothing. Just they were never told so.

Excuse me for rambling.
The TNM Members ChampPosted on 05/16/10 at 18:28:57

I was a kid in the 80's, so I can only speak from then up to now. But I remember feeling more excited for wrestling shows, looking in the TV Guide to see what shows would be on during the week. When I was in the Washington DC area, there was a channel, either 20 or 50, that had wrestling on every day of the week at 6 PM.

Fast forward to now and I really don't care if I miss Raw, Smackdown or TNA. I think wrestling companies are just lazy nowadays and its overexposed. Ring of Honor on HDNet is really the closest thing to wrestling how I liked it.
pszPosted on 05/16/10 at 19:01:18

I stopped watching "all the wrestling I could get my hands on" as it were around 2000. For me 1993-1999 where the Golden Years. (And I'd been watching since 1983 or so)