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My once per three month TNA episode...

pszPosted on 12/04/09 at 04:02:08

As usual, it's been at least three months since I've watched TNA... Maybe longer, I don't keep track.

Anyway, some observations:

Kurt Angle SHRANK. And he can SPEAK. Guessing he got rid of the roids?

I love Kevin Nash. I love him on the mic. I love(d) him in the ring. But my God man... He can barely walk to the ring at this point. He still does a good job all things considered, but it may be time to call it quits...

Hogan (and I'm guessing Bischoff, based on previous statements) coming to TNA to "change the face of the wrestling world?" Guys, nWo was old a decade ago. Get over it.

ODB: Still can't stand her.

Suicide? Meh, there've been better Masked Wrestlers and better video game characters.

Love Taz on the mic (No second Z! Woo!)

I've counted at least three WWE references (or current WWE wrestler references) so far tonight... ECW could get away with it because they weren't kissing WWE's ass the whole time :-P (Ok ok, ODB's comments weren't the MOST complimentary, but they were hardly ECW-level insulting)
PulsarPosted on 12/04/09 at 05:19:23

i need cable back, i haven't seen wrestling in ages...

or at least i need to go to more ROH