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TNA are asshats...

The EmpressPosted on 08/14/07 at 06:38:39

From Gerweck:

Alan Wojcik, who has been writing detailed recaps of TNA's PPVs and Impact television tapings for months, has been told he could no longer bring his laptop to TNA events at Universal studios. If anyone is attending the Impact taping this week in Orlando, and can provide us a report or even text message us results, do e-mail me.

This comes on the heels of TNA banning a photographer from using his camera at TNA events.
Are they just trying to alienate everyone?
Rick GarrardPosted on 08/14/07 at 07:15:56

Total Nonstop Asshats~!  
CrplsPosted on 08/14/07 at 07:36:02

This is the best thing to happen to the recap industry ever imo.

Wojcik is the biggest retard ever. Like, I would want to talk to you (Anubis) and The TNM Peoples' Champ nonstop before I would ever want to interact with that douche.

This is the same dude who was gonna kill himself because some guys made fun of him on a message board.
The EmpressPosted on 08/14/07 at 09:01:32

Thing is, this isn't just about one person.  Why would it be a good thing?  Despite this guy being a douchebag and all.
CrplsPosted on 08/14/07 at 09:37:13

All they did is say the dude can't bring his laptop to shows. Who the hell cares?

99% of people who go to TNA shows aren't even wrestling fans, they're just random people who happen to be in the park when TNA is doing tapings. The actual wrestling fans rarely get in.

I doubt the 1.00 rating worth of fans who actually watch  care about some douche internet dude being alienated.

If one hasn't been turned off to TNA by TNA being TNA, then they could probably piss on that person's Grandma's grave and they would will still watch.
pszPosted on 08/14/07 at 14:13:33

I see Empress' point, though.

TNA isn't quite mainstream, so the more exposure the better.

By preventing someone (douchebag or not) from recapping, and preventing photographers from taking pictures (AT A WRESTLING SHOW!?), you tend to leave what few wrestling fans you have with a bad taste.

Think back 12 years: You really think ECW would have told people "No cameras"? Hell no, they called it Fan Cam :-P   THey LIVED off of internet recaps.

They used, and abused, the internet to squeeze every dime out of every fan they could. (CyberSlam!)

They used whatever non-pay resources they could to turn a buck.

They ended up doing a damn sight better than all the Indies, and I'd even say they did better than TNA has thus far (No solid numbers, but I would be interested to see ECW on TNNs ratings vs TNA on Spike's ratings)
CrplsPosted on 08/14/07 at 17:38:11

They were almost basically the same, with TNA's average around 1.0 so slightly better.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying TNA isn't the most incompetently run pro-wrestling organization around, I just don't think banning fucking Alan Wojcik is going to alienate anyone (except him.) And he's not a paying customer so who cares.

Remember that ECW never made any money and Paul owed over at least one million to various people. It would've died years before it did without Vince subsidizing it at times.
pszPosted on 08/15/07 at 01:03:04

Not bad, especially when you consider the amount of advertising ECW got compared to what TNA gets on the same network ;->

Paul E. was partially right about losing the TV deal == ECW InstaDeath. However, he still should have gotten someone better with money to handle the money. He's great as a booker, but as a financier.... Well...
The EmpressPosted on 08/18/07 at 01:00:49

Alan Wojcik's Statement Regarding Laptop Banishment From TNA Wrestling

Last night was the first time in nearly 5 years I didn't watch TNA Wrestling programming. It was the weirdest thing to look at the DVR and not record Impact. According to some of the websites my work appears on, people emailed asking why I will no longer be covering TNA Wrestling events at Universal Studios. Was it politics, did I do something to anger the office, did I get into a fight with someone on Universal property? I was going to remain silent but after some soul searching I decided to write this item up for people to read.

Since June 2002 I have covered TNA Wrestling then called NWA: TNA with no problems. Until June 2004 I am sure no one had a problem because TNA was a live weekly PPV. When they made the move to Orlando for the creation of Impact which aired on Fox Sports Net I was there. From that point until this past weekend I attended and covered nearly every Impact taping and only missed three PPV's.

I always had an agreement with the media relations department, namely Jodi Davis and Tim Welch, I would cover the product like I was a sportswriter or beat writer for a sports team. Meaning I would cover them objectively without opinion over storylines or gimmicks used in matches. I kept my word and view on the product even as media dept heads and bookers changed. I kept my word even as friends I had on the roster were hired, fired, cut or just forgotten. People in the front office like Terry Taylor, Jeremy Borash, Bob Ryder and supposedly Jeff Jarrett read my reports and could have told me we don't want you covering TNA anymore at any point.

I think the birth of my demise came during a February phone call with current media dept. head Steven Godfrey about the change in interview requests. Mr. Godfrey told me they were thinking of keeping the "spoiler" people out of the building. I told him the only way to do that would be to hire Hollywood extras and keep every wrestling fan out. He felt "quite honestly I think you are too good at your review work." Mr. Godfrey felt my work was keeping viewers from watching Impact on Spike TV. Now don't get me wrong I had no problem with Mr. Godfrey looking out for his product, I had been doing it for free for 5 years and some sites say I did it better than TNA. However I think his observation and viewpoint is absolute garbage because the average wrestling fan is going to watch no matter what they read. People watched WWE Smackdown recently even after WWE went on their own website telling fans the Great Khali won the World Title at a TV taping that didn't air yet. So it's ok for a promotion to do spoilers but my work is not good. From that point on my main contact person was named Ross Foreman who was at TV tapings when Mr. Godfrey was unable to travel from Nashville. I never had any kind of conversations with Ross about any aspect of my coverage, just giving approval of my interview requests and aiding me during the Slammiversary PPV weekend this past June.

Now that you have an idea of my background with TNA Wrestling, let me address the events of this past weekend. While I was driving over to Orlando, Ross Foreman called and let me know my laptop was not going to be allowed in due to a new Universal Studios policy. He was trying to get to the bottom of things and let me know soon. I asked who do I talk to about this problem and he was vague in his reply. So when I checked into my hotel I sent out a note to the websites informing them what went down and the front of the email read PLEASE DO NOT POST THIS! I decided I was already over in Orlando so why not attend the PPV and say goodbye to the fans I sit with and decide Monday what I was going to do about TV.

During the event Ross came over and said he still had no answer and was upset our phone conversation made the internet. I told him it was not my doing as the sites were asked not to post it. I later found out it was David Meltzer who was the first person to mention the laptop being banned. I did not do a report on the PPV since it was a live event and normally the sites have someone watching at home, so I sat there in absolute confusion about what had gone down. That confusion turned to anger when I looked above the announce position and saw three mainstream reporters who were there to cover Adam Jones' debut. All three of them were using laptops with wireless cards. That evening I chose not to go out but to head to my hotel and talk to my girlfriend about what went down for a fresh perspective since she is not involved in wrestling. As we spoke I came to find out Mr. Meltzer was not the only site to speak out. There were several that spoke out in anger.

After talking to my girlfriend and some friends in the business I came to find how Ross got my cell phone number. He asked a friend of mine (who will remain nameless) for it. What Ross didn't know was my friend saw him talking to Steven Godfrey beforehand. Before seeing Steven and Ross talking, my friend saw Steven Godfrey talking with two new people; Steve Small (who does what Don Harris did before leaving TNA.)

The next day before TV I spoke to Ross who told me he had no idea what was going on. He said "I'm just the messenger." I replied, "Someone gave you the message and for some reason you aren't giving me their name." I told him how hurt I was about what went down. When I asked him about the mainstream media being allowed to use their laptops he stopped the conversation saying he had to enter a meeting. That was the last time I spoke to Mr. Foreman until an email Tuesday night giving me Steve Small's name. David Meltzer did have a conversation with him, telling David I was allowed to attend with a Blackberry or some other small portable device. After looking online at the devices I laughed because they come with adapters that are fold out laptop style keyboards. I decided to attend the TV taping and do a small report, sitting away from my normal spot to avoid attention from people. Afterwards I said my goodbyes to some friends on the talent roster and left Orlando to head home.

I know there are people who read my Impact spoilers and PPV notes that are happy I am gone. Some people say I had this coming and I deserved it. For others I hope this diatribe provides you with some answers. I never asked for the fallout that came from TNA banning my laptop. I will not be contacting Steve Small, Steven Godfrey or Ross Foreman about what went down, because they made the decision and there is no going backwards in life. It was a fun ride and I will keep doing book and DVD reviews while covering local Florida based promotions. Thanks to everyone who wrote me and wrote the websites about what went down. Some site owners say I should be upset about David Meltzer posting his note asking for someone to take over for me. I am not upset because of what I spoke about previously. Thanks also go to my girlfriend who kept me sane during this week, plus writers Phil Strum of the Poughkeepsie Journal and Sean "the Mic" McCaffrey of Declaration of Independents who suggested getting this out into the world. I wish TNA Wrestling nothing but the best of luck in their future endeavors since after they read this I am surely off their Christmas card list
I don't know where some people get the idea that he's a retard or a douche.
CrplsPosted on 08/18/07 at 01:09:02

The "future endeavors" comment is always my favorite part of Wojcik posts.

If you ever read or dealt with him regularly on a message board, you'd understand why so many people are agitated by or dislike him.

FWIW, I think banning his laptop is dumb and pointless, but I also don't really care.
The EmpressPosted on 08/20/07 at 22:41:59

Well you're about the only one standing against him. Everyone else is standing with him. That includes me, by the way, because TNA is damn well wrong on this.

Oh, and Bob Magee from PWBTS is standing with him as well.

I sure hope the boycott gets somewhere. The bulk of TNA's fanbase comes from the IWC, so unlike WWE, they can't afford to ignore them. TNA is being so monumentally stupid that I really have no idea what words would accurately portray that stupidity.

For one, Vince Russo has got to go. For two, TNA needs to realize that these WWE rejects and has-beens will not draw even half as well as their home-grown talent. Tomko and Andrew Martin (and Pacman) don't even have a fraction of the drawing power of Samoa Joe and AJ Styles. There are exceptions, of course, such as Kurt Angle and Sting and even Kevin Nash as long as he stays out of the ring, but for the most part, these has-beens are a cancer to the company that need to be cut out with the utmost of haste. For three, TNA needs to start treating their fans with respect again.

If these things don't happen, TNA will fold sooner rather than later. Their first big mistake was bringing in Russo and the has-beens, the second big mistake was allowing the relationships with ROH and the NWA to go south. They can't afford a third big mistake.

If only I had a connection within TNA, this would be the time to get a position as a real booker, taking Russo's job if TNA ever gets smart. Still, without a resume backing me up . . . I mean, come on, how do you get experience in this particular job unless someone gives you the first shot? It's ridiculous.

EDIT: Fixed the link.
91Posted on 08/20/07 at 23:27:24

Be fair, Tomko might not be Mr Drawing Power but he's done OK for himself, they've made him fairly interesting (partially by whom he's associated with, but even so...) and though having him go over Joe was... a bizzare move to say the least, I wouldn't begrudge him his spot on the roster. I might have when they'd announced they'd signed him, but he's done alright.

And Crpls wasn't against Wojcik, he even said he thought the ban was stupid, he's just saying he's not very fond of the guy personally since he's evidently had some form of contact with him on some message board in the past, which is fair enough.
UnrightPosted on 08/20/07 at 23:29:22

Was Russo booking WCW when they started confiscating pro-WWE/anti-WCW signs?
The EmpressPosted on 08/20/07 at 23:40:59

Not sure.  Russo joined in I think 1998 or 1999 if I recall correctly.

One thing I do know is that I could turn TNA around to where people will be happy with it again in a single bloody Impact.  It would be even easier if I were allowed a special two-hour edition of Impact.  Either way, Russo has done tremendous damage, and while I am not all too sure that TNA could recover the prestige lost, it can at least get its original fanbase back easily.

Thing about ratings I have figured out is that it is all about the money.  Think about it.  The only promotions to ever do extremely well on television were Ted Turner's WCW and the WWF, during the Monday Night Wars.  It is pretty much because they had the money.  That money can be dumped into promoting the product and getting better deals with networks and such, because money talks.  Thing is, you do have to back it up, and the product is what keeps the fans coming.  If TNA could make the IWC happy again and then get Panda Energy to drop about $20-40 million into promoting the product and getting a better deal on television, they could actually have a chance of competing with WWE.
CrplsPosted on 08/21/07 at 00:31:22

Be fair, Tomko might not be Mr Drawing Power but he's done OK for himself, they've made him fairly interesting (partially by whom he's associated with, but even so...) and though having him go over Joe was... a bizzare move to say the least, I wouldn't begrudge him his spot on the roster. I might have when they'd announced they'd signed him, but he's done alright.
Tomko is good. One of the few dudes on the TNA roster who deserves to be pushed based on work ethic. He's still not a super in-ring worker, but I enjoyed his NJPW work and he actually worked hard to get better after getting dumped by the E. Not really a main eventer, but he'll serve well in the midcard, or as a bodyguard type for a main eventer.
pszPosted on 08/21/07 at 00:33:30

My biggest gripe with Tomko is and was always that he just.... Bored me.

I've never hated his work, he just never really interested me.

Then again, that could just be due to how WWE used him.
CrplsPosted on 08/21/07 at 00:42:16

Yeah, he lacks any sense of charisma in general.
The EmpressPosted on 08/21/07 at 01:01:02

Thing is, compared to a vast majority of the TNA roster, he stinks.  The only role I would give him is that of bodyguard, non-wrestling capacity.  TNA has way too many people better than him to push him as anything.
pszPosted on 08/21/07 at 01:30:57

He does the "Bodyguard Who Occasionally Tags" bit well...

Then again, so did Kevin Nash, and he ended up champ.

Maybe he just needs the right angle?
The EmpressPosted on 08/21/07 at 02:40:00

On 08/21/07 at 01:30:57, psz wrote:He does the "Bodyguard Who Occasionally Tags" bit well...

Then again, so did Kevin Nash, and he ended up champ.

Maybe he just needs the right angle?
Kevin Nash has a natural charisma.  Tomko simply isn't capable of doing anything more than the "bodyguard who occasionally tags" unless he finds a truckload of talent at some point.  Unlikely methinks.
CrplsPosted on 08/21/07 at 02:42:47

Nash had all the charisma in the world just waiting to get out.

I don't see that from him, unfortunately. :)

The "vast majority" of the roster is definitely not better than him. More interesting and charismatic... probably. Though his matches in TNA aren't very good... then again, only a handful of guys in TNA know how to structure a match, anyway.
The EmpressPosted on 08/21/07 at 03:15:08

Oh come on let's get serious. I'm gonna go look at the TNA roster and list every single guy there that can work a better match than Tomko, and most of them would have more charisma as well! Anyway, here is the list, with those who can work very much better than Tomko marked with an "!":

AJ Styles ( ! )
Alex Shelley ( ! )
Black Reign
Brother Devon
Brother Ray
Chris Harris
Christian Cage
Eric Young
Fallen Angel
Homicide ( ! )
James Storm
Jay Lethal ( ! )
Jeff Jarrett
Kurt Angle
Petey Williams ( ! )
Prime Time
Rick Steiner
Robert Roode
Ron Killings
Samoa Joe ( ! )
Scott Steiner
Senshi ( ! )
Shark Boy
Sting ( ! )

Even still, those not mentioned can still work a match just as well as Tomko can.
Rick GarrardPosted on 08/21/07 at 03:28:22

but how many of them are 1/2 of the Japanese tag team champions with Giant Prince Albert A-Train Bernard?  Hmmm?  Thought so.
The EmpressPosted on 08/21/07 at 04:34:39

What's that got to do with anything?  Being a champion over there doesn't automatically make him a talent.
UnrightPosted on 08/21/07 at 05:32:05

He was being booked better in Japan.
The EmpressPosted on 08/21/07 at 05:42:45

Hmmm . . . Heh, I dunno, putting gold on him when there are so many better wrestlers doesn't sound like "better booking" to me to be quite honest.  Tomko is an uncharismatic unathletic lug.

Is it just me, or are bookers in Japan making more and more mistakes lately?  Just seems to be a trend.
pszPosted on 08/21/07 at 14:09:54

Have you actually WATCHED his stuff from Japan? Just cuz he's, as you said, an uncharismatic lug in WWE/TNA doesn't mean he's not out doing a bang up job in Japan.

Ask half the old WCW locker room about being pushed in Japan vs pushes from WCW/WWF ;->
Memphis_VicePosted on 08/21/07 at 14:45:53

Funny enough, I've still never seen a Tomko match. Couldn't pick the guy out of a lineup if my life depended on it.
91Posted on 08/21/07 at 20:54:25

*Ahem* It's not Jay Lethal anymore.

Besides, how can everyone not love Tomko after that one classic Royal Rumble moment?
JustinPosted on 08/21/07 at 21:19:35

Besides, how can everyone not love Tomko after that one classic Royal Rumble moment?
Which was what?
JakePosted on 08/21/07 at 21:31:55

On 08/21/07 at 21:19:35, Justin wrote:

Which was what?
Christian: Tomko, give me a beat.
Tomko: No.
91Posted on 08/21/07 at 21:48:27

CrplsPosted on 08/22/07 at 02:45:36

And for that moment, him being charisma-less was perfect. :)

Have you actually WATCHED his stuff from Japan? Just cuz he's, as you said, an uncharismatic lug in WWE/TNA doesn't mean he's not out doing a bang up job in Japan.
Well, he's still as uncharismatic as ever in NJPW. He connects with the crowd on the basis of being a tall foreign dude, but that's about it--except that's enough.

He probably won't ever get a big singles push similar to Bernard, but they work well as a team, are over and put on good matches for the most part.

The lady missed my entire point about structuring a match vs having talent, but it's funny to see someone claim Petey Williams is good, regardless.
The EmpressPosted on 08/22/07 at 03:37:20

On 08/22/07 at 02:45:36, Crpls wrote:The lady missed my entire point about structuring a match vs having talent,
They go hand in hand. All the people I mentioned have more talent and can "structure a match" far better than Tomko. Easily. No doubt whatsoever.

On 08/22/07 at 02:45:36, Crpls wrote:but it's funny to see someone claim Petey Williams is good, regardless.
What's so funny? It's true. Petey Williams is a very good wrestler.  He can structure a match when given a chance (i.e. not a throwaway X-Division six-man tag), has a lot of charisma, is great at working the crowd, is good in the air and on the mat both, and has one of the collest damn finishers is the business.
CrplsPosted on 08/22/07 at 04:10:07

Oh jesus christ you're a hopeless tool.

They do not go hand-in-hand. You can understand how to do something (i.e. structure a match) and not be very good at it.

Jeff Jarrett knows more about wrestling matches than everyone on TNA roster combined with the exceptions of Sting and Scott Steiner, but he's not actively a great wrestler.

If he would stop booking/okaying Russo ideas/whatever his actual job is now and become what amounts to an agent for the company, at worst, the main event scene would become watchable.
CrplsPosted on 08/22/07 at 04:13:19

Though, I am probably being a bit unfair to most TNA guys because I don't know how much freedom they're given in the ring. The matches could be largely planned out which would make it more the fault of whoever is doing that.
PulsarPosted on 08/22/07 at 05:03:59

I think you missed a couple. You want in-ring psychology, one of the best is Raven. He can be incredibly technical.

I think your problem Anubis is you're looking at the styles of the wrestlers vs. their ability. Abyss does a damn good job as a big man, similar to Kane. Chris Daniels is another very crisp story-teller in and out of the ring.

I noticed your list of "better then Tomko" is pretty much X-Division + Sting. Team 3D and The Steiners STILL are among the top tag team wrestlers in the world, they've been doing it since the beginning of time.

To me, it seems your idea of great wrestling is high-spots and transitional crap, which is pretty much what your list is capable of.  I think you need to learn to respect the other styles of wrestling that are out there, and not completely bias your opinion on your personal likes.
The EmpressPosted on 08/22/07 at 05:22:43

Um, Pulsar, Team 3-D, Abyss, and The Steiner Brothers are all on the list, as are Rhino, Jeff Jarrett, and Kurt Angle. I intentionally left the spot monkeys (Chris Sabin and Sonjay Dutt in particular) off the list because I don't think an overdose of monkey action and transitions is good wrestling. Did you even read the list? You seem to have missed nearly half the names I put on it!  So I think an apology is in order.

Oh, and Crpls, just the same, you can't be good at wrestling and not know how to structure a match, which was my point despite your silly attempts to distort what I said.
91Posted on 08/22/07 at 18:40:19

I don't think an overdose of monkey action and LACK OF transitions is good wrestling.

Fixed. That said, I've not seen much Dutt so I can't judge, but I think Chris Sabin is very good.

Oh, and Crpls, just the same, you can't be good at wrestling and not know how to structure a match

True, though there are a few who can get away with it.
Tommy BrownellPosted on 08/29/07 at 00:10:12

I watched Sonjay Dutt vs Brent Albright here in Oklahoma at an indy show I was working last year, and it was the best Dutt match I had ever seen.  Literally light years beyond his TNA work...but then, it was also more than 2 minutes and had more than just flippy stuff going on.