Free Wiki

Snabbit888Posted on 03/28/09 at 02:48:56

I'm thinking of setting up a wiki for my various incarnations of circuits and such to help me keep track of a lot of things.  However, since this is just for funsies and I be the poor, I wanted to know if any of you fine individuals know if there is a website which lets you set up your own wiki for free (or virtually free).
CarlzillaPosted on 03/28/09 at 03:33:33
Snabbit888Posted on 03/28/09 at 03:39:10

Thank you.
CarlzillaPosted on 03/28/09 at 05:27:13

No problem.
LillaThrillaPosted on 03/29/09 at 16:07:56

Yes, the 42 different incarnations of Great Lakes Championship Wrestling did get a little jumbled in my mind after awhile...  ;)
Snabbit888Posted on 03/29/09 at 20:03:55

I hate you. :)