Strict pushes not effective?

FuncrusherPlusPosted on 03/03/05 at 02:58:00

I was just wondering if anyone can give me some advice on making strict pushes more effective. I usually don't book my circuits, but I do assign large push differentials to try to ensure that certain guys will win against most others.

For example, in one circuit I have my main eventers (Koloff, Flair, Rhodes & Luger) all with a 100 push.

I have a few guys (The Road Warriors, Barry Windham) pushed around 90.

My mid card guys and most tag teams (Arn & Tully, Rick Rude, Midnight Express) between 70 - 80.

And a few guys who I use primarily as "enhancement" talent, but expect the occasional win out of (Hayes, Houston) at around 60.

Do I need to make the differential more? Because Flair and Luger not only can't beat the guys at 90, they keep losing to guys in the 70's. I ran a recent card that had Flair (100) lose to Sam Houston (60) AND Luger (100) lose to Stan Lane (70).

Again, I want that possibility of the huge upset to be there, but it's not an upset if it happens every card.

So, any suggestions?
Snabbit888Posted on 03/03/05 at 03:37:12

My suggestion is to really make it a disparity.  Jobbers push of 10, next level up like 20-50, next level 51-80, main eventers 90-100.
CrplsPosted on 03/03/05 at 05:27:20

Tommy(DarkAndEvilBastard) asked Oliver this once, his response was:

80-100 Main Eventers
30-50 Midcarders
0-10 Jobbers

You can, of course, put people anywhere in the gaps as well. Putting someone at a 65 means they have a chance at beating an 80, but a 30 will be unlikely to beat them.
rey619Posted on 03/03/05 at 15:52:17

I think those numbers were for no "strict pushes". I think we discussed this not too long ago, you should be able to find a post on it somewhere down on the pages.. maybe in the Discussion forum if not here.

I usually don't operate further down than 60.
Critic of the DawnPosted on 03/03/05 at 20:30:19

If you're using guys as outright jobbers, remove the finishers from their export and they will never win a match unless booked to, or unless facing another wrestler without a finisher.

Strict pushes basically work by making it more likely for guys with higher pushes to kick out of pin attempts (including finishers) of those with lower pushes (presumably in proportion with the relative push value), and less likely for those with lower pushes to do the same from those with higher pushes.

With strict pushes on and running SE, chances of guys in the 60-80 range beating guys in the 90-100 range are much lower (because the higher ranked guys will tend to kick out of finishing moves a lot), but it isn't impossible - especially if the low ranked guys have a lot of high damage moves and submissions (it feels like pushes have less effect on the chances of passing out in a hold, but I could be wrong).  Alternately, your upper card wrestlers might have unusually weak movesets which inflict much less damage than average and consequently make it easier for others to beat them, especially guys like the Road Warriors who use a lot of higher damage moves.  Moveset tweaking would be in order if this was the case, as a large proportion of victories occur as a result of a finisher, and if your top guys can't get their finisher to trigger while consistently taking several finishers from lower card wrestlers, they're not going to win very much no matter what their push value is.

Another problem could be that you have moves that check for pinfalls in submissions in your jobbers movesets (ie. the Figure Four) - some users have reported that these succeed with a 100% probability regardless of relative pushes.  Turning this feature off with tweakcirc or modifying the moves so they don't check for pins will correct this if it's your problem.

Finally, you could consider reducing the stamina scores of lower card workers.  This will cause them to lose the initiative more quickly and take more damage from moves against them.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"