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Dana White

DJ UnrightPosted on 06/08/08 at 04:22:34

There's an interesting article on Dana White in the newest Rolling Stone magazine (Eddie Van Halen, BB King, Jimmy Page, & Omar Rodriguez-Lopez on the cover).

I'm not that into MMA, but it's interesting reading what a successful douche he is. Given his lifestyle, attitude, and the transitionally popularity of major sporting trends, this guy is set for a massive fall from grace at some point.
JeepGuyPosted on 07/17/08 at 23:16:53

And that's not a bad thing ...
Danny BonaducePosted on 11/16/08 at 06:28:00

Isn't Dana a chicks name?
Rick GarrardPosted on 11/17/08 at 07:31:55

he is basically MMA's Vince McMahon... meaning he's probably their teflon man, since he's been the most successful guy in running UFC since it's inception (back in the days of unsanctioned one night tourneys)
THE SMILE OF JACK SWAGGERPosted on 11/19/08 at 00:57:20

he is basically MMA's Vince McMahon.
more like an Eric Bischoff in WCW, since he doesn't own it.
Rick GarrardPosted on 11/19/08 at 01:18:55

with the difference being that Dana actually has a clue about making the product better and not running it into the ground with false finishes and main events every week with screw job finishes to the point where no one cares to watch anymore.  :)