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Sweet Deal!

CarlzillaPosted on 11/12/06 at 14:28:56

Holy awesome! Pride has finally come to TNM...well the boards at least...

Anyone see the event in Las Vegas?

Butterbean killed Sean O'Haire (ex-WWE wrestler...yes that Sean O'Haire...)...and then the announcers buried him as well. Saying things like "He knows how to give an interview and sell people on a fight, now, he needs to learn how to actually fight."

there was lots of other stuff too...but I'm burnt and going to bed, I just figured I'd get the ball rolling.

PulsarPosted on 11/12/06 at 23:11:16

I'm so excited that this is on here now. Did you know they randomly have Pride on FSN?
Oliver CoppPosted on 11/25/06 at 10:32:10

I loved the Vegas show. I'd been there the whole week covering the event for a German magazine, for the entire public training and weigh-in bonanza spread out over four days.

They really, truly did a great job locally. And I have to say: when I saw the stage and when the event began, it really did feel like we were being beamed to Saitama. This was as authentic Pride as you're going to get.

To cut Sean some slack - he didn't really know he was going to fight until 48 hours before the fight. Butterbean was training first for Mark Hunt, then for Rulon Gardner... and he ended up getting Sean O'Haire. To quote Bean himself "damn... if I had known, I'd have spent a lot more time eating and a lot less time getting my ass kicked".

I also really liked the fact that the fighters and their camps were very accessible. In UFC, everybody is sequestered and even as press, it's hard to even get to people you'd like to talk to.

This truly was a fine, fine event... and the after-show party was so great that words can't describe it. Just classy.
CarlzillaPosted on 11/25/06 at 10:50:13

Yeah I know that O'Haire stepped up to the plate on short notice...but the announcers seriously killed him worse than Butterbean ever could.

It's cool to know that everything was authentic and that the atmosphere was pretty chill. I live about 12 hours driving from Las Vegas, so it's not out of the question for me to travel up there if they do another event.