
megatron_85Posted on 03/02/09 at 01:02:28

how do i set my TweakCirc To Puroresu settings?
CarlzillaPosted on 03/03/09 at 09:19:51

I would guess you're not really familiar with puroresu.

The first thing I would do is brush up on my puro knowledge. Then I'd use that knowledge to "set my TweakCirc to puroresu settings".

In a slightly less asshole-esque way, there is no "correct" settings, it just depends on what you're going for. Puroresu simply means pro-wrestling.
TheImpalerTMXPosted on 03/04/09 at 00:22:44

Oh c'mon, the complete smart ass answer would have been, "Just tilt your monitor sideways a little bit."

Ahem, as Carlzilla noted puroresu is a catch-all term and there are obviously many different styles that vary from promotion to promotion. TNM is already pretty well designed for most traditional puroresu promotions, but everyone has their own tastes about how it runs using TweakCirc.

I generally run all of my circuits with a "Japanese feel" just because stylistically I prefer the basics of wrestling in Japan over America. So no hardcore mode, very few ref bumps/interference, etc. I see the main difference as being that a match in Japan is usually more about the athletic performance where as in America you are presented with a more "showy," overall performance that puts as much focus on things like gimmicks and playing directly to the crowd, for example. Of course this does vary depending on what each promotion does, but it holds true for the bigger, more traditional promotions.

Past that it is really up to your own preference to run it as you like. I find TNM matches run too fast overall for my liking so I've been experimenting with the "Time Progression" and "Hit Factor" values. I think for most Japanese promotions you'd want to do this, the only exception perhaps being the lucharesu promotions like Michinoku Pro and Dragon Gate.

Of course there are a lot of things you can do outside of TweakCirc to give a Japanese-based promotion the traditional feel. You might find you want to toggle the booing of heels off or putting some more wrestlers in the "Neutral" alignment field than you would in a WWE-style promotion. Movesets are key to. Since TNM arbitrarily chooses moves with no real sense of psychology (compared to if you were going to sim using Fire Pro say), so putting in a bunch of big moves is probably a bad idea. Make sure common moves have multple instances in a wrestler's moveset and limit their "specialties". Japanese wrestlers often go through phase of what their trademark moves are so have your move lists reflect that. You probably wouldn't want a modern day Jushin Liger to have a shooting star press as it was rarely used, if ever, once he had his brain tumor and started to use more power moves (unless he has recently lost his mind and started doing it again - I've been out of the loop for a while). For "Big Match" finishes I'd put those in the Special Move field. They are rarely done and when they are done there is very rarely a kickout. Of course this would run the risk of Kenta Kobashi possibly doing the Burning Hammer, for example, in ANY match so it is probably best just to go in and book those spots yourself.

That's about all I can think of right now. You do really have to play around with everything, though. It takes a while to "dial-in" your ideal settings, but once you do you will find the whole TNM experience a lot more enjoyable.
CarlzillaPosted on 03/04/09 at 02:19:03

Since I've been called out, :-P

1) Turn off ref bumps, interference, walk-outs, belt shots, booing of heels, and hardcore mode. I also turn off foreign objects, but they do get used from time to time in real life, so this is more of a personal preference, but if you do leave them on, make sure to turn down or turn off the DQ for them, as they rarely lead to a DQ in Japan. Also make sure your refs are counting to 20 and have a pretty high tolerance as it takes a lot for a wrestler to get DQ'd.

2) Tweak the time progression/damage factor so that your average match lasts somewhere between 12-15 min.

3) I've never actually thought about tweaking the moveset to have more strikes/restholds to build up the match, but it sounds like a pretty good idea.
ROH, Indy, NHL,and Puro FAN69Posted on 03/04/09 at 04:58:46

What both Carlzilla and Champ said

Unless you are running a Japanese Hardcore circuit such as Big Japan, then hardcore mode and ref bumps should def. be off. The jury is still out on belt shots in a BJWesque circuit though.