problems after reinstalling windows

SiNNeRPosted on 01/28/05 at 18:31:00

I recently upgraded my computer and since the motherboard was amongst the hardware upgraded it meant I had to reinstall WinXP. I recently copied my backed up TNM7 back onto my computer and tried to run it, but it comes up with the error "The application or DLL D:\tnm7\GFXT_PRO.DLL is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette."
TNMdiag crashes during circuit check

I've tried reinstalling TNM7, which works, but I can't get my database or circuit from my old install onto the new one. my circuit was made up entirely of custom created wrestlers and although I'd backed up the program directory I hadn't thought to export them into a seperate export file

any ideas how I can either get my original install working again or copy the database from the old into the new? I tried copying the files but it only made the circuit but still had an empty database. any attempts to open the (unpopulated) circuit resulted in a crash
Oliver CoppPosted on 01/30/05 at 18:01:17

Could you please send me the ZIP file with your *old* install? I'll then be able to help you most likely.
SiNNeRPosted on 01/30/05 at 18:27:03

it's sending. thanks
Oliver CoppPosted on 01/30/05 at 20:13:45

Hi SiNNeR,

the DLLs coming with TNM 7 SE in your ZIP are corrupt. I sent you replacement copies, and you should then be fine again.

All the best,
