Commentary Editior Cannot Import

triad4evrPosted on 10/28/04 at 00:06:08

I just downloaded another person's commentary export and I can't seem to import it correctly. Every time I try to import from within the plugin, the plugin locks and won't finish. I have a good number of my own commentary lines already done, but I wanted to import this additional file, too. Any thoughts, Oliver? Thanks!

triad4evrPosted on 10/28/04 at 04:01:18

Now it is worse- my circuit won't lauch matches! It plays the theme and then crashes. I did send the Core Dump file- but if anybody else knows what's going on, I'm all ears!

I reinstalled TNM and things seem to be working again. I still can't import the commentary from that other person, but everything does seem to be working...
Oliver CoppPosted on 10/31/04 at 20:37:26

Don't forget to send me that files, please, so I can get to the bottom of this. Thanks!
triad4evrPosted on 11/01/04 at 04:52:42

Hmmm, I sent it once... I wonder what happened... I will send it again when I get to my home computer (I'm on somebody else's computer right now). Refresh my memory- which file was it?

Oliver CoppPosted on 11/01/04 at 08:45:12

The file you tried to import. I don't know its name.
triad4evrPosted on 11/01/04 at 08:52:27

Okay, I thought you were talking about the commentary database file... The guy's export file is in another thread entitled Commentary Editor or something like that. I will hunt it for ya and send it...

Here's the link from the other thread.
triad4evrPosted on 11/05/04 at 08:27:39

Any luck? Why doesn't this import file work for me? Thanks!
Oliver CoppPosted on 11/06/04 at 01:52:49

No clue so far. It's perfect on my end. Maybe something with your e-mail client saving the file in UNIX style?
triad4evrPosted on 11/06/04 at 02:13:11

I know this is a lame request but can ya zip that file and repost it for me? My computer can't possibly screw that up... Thanks!