
MATPosted on 10/15/04 at 00:52:26

Hey, firstly let me just say sorry if this isnt the place to post this.

Right, I've got two Japanese feds in my TNM, and in the one its got a countout time of 20. However in my other there is only the normal count of 10 (like in all my other circuits). I have no idea why just the one has a 20 count, and dont how that happened. I used the menu and even Tweakcirc to make both feds options identical in everyway, but still one has a 20 count and the other has a 10. Can anyone help with this? (I've put up with it for 343 cards in the one fed, but I've finally decided to try and get it sorted.)

Cheers for any help
americamamushiPosted on 10/15/04 at 04:49:18

check your circuit's refs
Critic of the DawnPosted on 10/15/04 at 04:49:33

The count used is determined in the referee database.  All you have to do to change it is select each referee in the circuit (through the circuit specific database you use to edit tag teams and stables) and check 20 instead of 10, which is the default.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
MATPosted on 10/15/04 at 16:03:30

Cheers alot for that guys, worked like a charm. You know I've been using TNM nearly everyday for like 3 years and it never occured to me what the 20 count option with ref's meant (for some reason I thought it might have something to do with fast counts). Anways, thanks again for the speedy help.