Question about Eggs plugin

doors11Posted on 10/02/04 at 20:03:04

Thanks again for such fast work

My question after installing the plug-in and running it..It said all circuits patched.

But when opening up circuits and running the new Tweakcircuit     , when checking under the easter eggs in it it is blank..There is nothing listed in it.

Does the types of eggs(The Names) show up , like they did before?
Oliver CoppPosted on 10/02/04 at 23:45:09

No, they don't. However, you can use the features... that's the price of not taking the hard route ;)
Tom_ImpPosted on 10/05/04 at 00:57:51

What if we added that older Extras.cnf by overwriting the file in Build 3? Would that make it so the list showed up like it did in the past?
Oliver CoppPosted on 10/14/04 at 20:39:12
