Question For Oliver

Tartan TerrorPosted on 10/02/04 at 22:26:21

I sent you an e-mail about being unable to register the Weight Class Wizard plugin with the code that was sent. You replied stating that you suspect that the problem was with my base registration code and that you will send a new one.

I just want to check if you have already sent the new base registration code? I did receive a list of codes but the base registration was still the same.

I appreciate the help you have already given to me.

Oliver CoppPosted on 10/02/04 at 23:46:47

As a matter of fact, I have... and I just resent all your codes.

Just be sure to delete the file TNM.REG in the DATA folder. Then you can re-register.
Tartan TerrorPosted on 10/03/04 at 00:39:51

I did what you have said.

The Weight Class Wizard plugin has been registered without any problems. Thank you for solving that problem.

However, some of the other plugins (the TweakCirc SE, Visualizer Image Wizard, SE Database Cleaner & SE Special Move Wizard) are now unregistered (trial expired) and will not take in their respective registration code.

Can you help with this latest problem?

Oliver CoppPosted on 10/03/04 at 01:00:20

Absolutely. All-new codes are on the way :)

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Tartan TerrorPosted on 10/03/04 at 01:20:53

No problem. It's all working now.

Thank you for your help.
