What file has the title history in it?

AnubisPosted on 07/26/04 at 07:25:24

How does TNM figure out what to list in the title history?  I assume one of the files has it, but it could be something else.  See, I want the title history to be complete, and since I stripped one team of the belts and handed them to another on-card, I'd like to edit the title history to reflect the title change.

So how would I do that?
91Posted on 07/26/04 at 15:30:11

How does TNM figure out what to list? It's basically a search function that finds every match that has a line reading "(Naked Mideon won the WWF World Title.)" or whatever, rather like the 'detailed wrestler record' option searches for anything you type in.

Your best bet to make it show up in the records is to add that line to a corresponding interview or match or something where the team in question were handed their titles.
AnubisPosted on 07/26/04 at 22:00:29
