Tag Team not showing up in ratings

SnDvls316Posted on 03/28/04 at 05:16:14

I have run the TNM Dig. Utility

I have a team which is not showing up in the Tag Team ratings. They are hired. I have fired and re-hired them to see if it fixes it and run cards after doing both. Any and all help would be appriciated.

SnDvls316Posted on 04/01/04 at 23:24:51

phudjiePosted on 04/01/04 at 23:53:23

.....with the information given, that could be a few different things.

1. Is your circut in e-mail mode? If it isn't, and one member of the team is hired and the other isn't, they won't show up in the ratings.

2. If the circut isn't in e-mail mode, have you imported the tag team from the tag team database? This will make a difference in the ratings; ex. you'd get Booker T and Stevie Ray instead of Harlem Heat.

3. Have you used the rating editor plugin to edit tag team ratings? If you have done that after a card in which one, or both, members of the team have been fired, then you erased their standing.

4. Not to be a jerk, but I'm taking it for granted that they have had a regular tag team match, not just participated in a tag team battle royal or elimination match. Battle royals and elimination matches don't affect the ratings.
SnDvls316Posted on 04/02/04 at 00:59:39

.....with the information given, that could be a few different things.

1. Is your circut in e-mail mode? If it isn't, and one member of the team is hired and the other isn't, they won't show up in the ratings.

Not in e-mail mode and both are hired.

2. If the circut isn't in e-mail mode, have you imported the tag team from the tag team database? This will make a difference in the ratings; ex. you'd get Booker T and Stevie Ray instead of Harlem Heat.

I don't import any teams I use the default teams. (just FYI it's High Voltage Rage & Chaos) They actually don't show up at all except in the roster of wrestlers and when I schedule a match and choose a team.

3. Have you used the rating editor plugin to edit tag team ratings? If you have done that after a card in which one, or both, members of the team have been fired, then you erased their standing.

Did not do. I actually look there first to see if they were even listed and they weren't.

4. Not to be a jerk, but I'm taking it for granted that they have had a regular tag team match, not just participated in a tag team battle royal or elimination match. Battle royals and elimination matches don't affect the ratings.

According to the Match log they are 6-1-0. But don't show up in Tag or Overall rankings. It just blows my mind. I even did the TNM Dig and all circuts are fine. I just at a loss on this one. Thanks for your help though.
Anyone else want to take a shot at this while Oliver's gone?
SnDvls316Posted on 04/08/04 at 17:33:07

Oliver CoppPosted on 04/09/04 at 10:16:33

You bump well for a non-wrestler ;)

What team are we talking about? Is it a circuit-local team or a global team?

The best way for me to find out would be if you were to send me a zipped version of your TNM 7 SE. I'd then get back to you with the reason and a solution ASAP.


SnDvls316Posted on 04/14/04 at 05:06:10

thanks it's is sent with note
Oliver CoppPosted on 04/15/04 at 08:37:39

You sure? Didn't receive anything on any of my accounts yet.
SnDvls316Posted on 04/15/04 at 21:55:54

it was a fairly large file/e-mail. Is it easier if I just zip the circut or do you need the whole TNM file? It might not have gone due to the size.  I'll try and resend it tonight again.
Oliver CoppPosted on 04/15/04 at 22:22:40

The simplest method wwould be to use the built-in backup feature. Then look into the BACKUP folder and look for the newest .TBU file. ZIP that and send it my way :)
SnDvls316Posted on 04/26/04 at 20:17:34

I e-mailed you off the e-mail from this message board did you get it?
Oliver CoppPosted on 04/28/04 at 16:40:48

No, not yet. Try as well. I'm pretty sure it didn't get sent.
SnDvls316Posted on 04/28/04 at 18:47:08

basically the attachment if too big for my e-mail server to allow me to send it. Is there another way. I tried just the small file you had suggested as well.
LillaThrillaPosted on 04/28/04 at 19:22:00

On 04/28/04 at 18:47:08, SnDvls316 wrote:basically the attachment if too big for my e-mail server to allow me to send it. Is there another way. I tried just the small file you had suggested as well.
If you zip a TBU (TNM backup file), Yahoo Mail can handle it without problems...
SnDvls316Posted on 04/30/04 at 03:30:30

Thanks I'll try it again.

SnDvls316Posted on 04/30/04 at 03:39:02

well that didn't work the compressed file is 11.2 megabytes and "free" yahoo only allows 3.0.
any other ideas?
LillaThrillaPosted on 05/01/04 at 19:09:30


You must have a huge database or something...
JkeatsPosted on 05/04/04 at 21:59:27

I've found that if you have two similarly named tag teams it can cancel each other out resulting in them not showing up in ratings.  Check through your tag team database and make sure you haven't mistakenly made two teams as the same.
Oliver CoppPosted on 05/04/04 at 23:04:56

Thanks! We'll get this to work... not to worry :)
SnDvls316Posted on 05/06/04 at 19:38:29

I'm not worried. Again it happened with High Voltage (Rage & Chaos) so it's not that big a deal and they are the only team it has happened to so once it gets sorted out it'll all be fine. Just keep me updated.

Oliver CoppPosted on 05/09/04 at 13:32:50

As of this minute, I haven't yet received a file on any of my addresses. Did you send it again in the meantime?

SnDvls316Posted on 05/09/04 at 23:10:19

No I never sent anything as the file was too big for any of my e-mail systems to handle. But I imported them (they are the only team I have imported) and now they show up in the ratings. It is really weird.
Do you have another way to make the file size smaller (it's at just over 11 mb big right now in a zipped form)

Oliver CoppPosted on 05/10/04 at 08:28:08

What you could do is open the ZIP file and remove the PROGRAM, MEDIA and BACKUP folders.

What size does that bring your file down to?
DominusPosted on 05/10/04 at 09:13:28

On 05/10/04 at 08:28:08, Oliver Copp wrote:What you could do is open the ZIP file and remove the PROGRAM, MEDIA and BACKUP folders.
& the THEMES folder is probably the big one
SnDvls316Posted on 05/10/04 at 23:38:57

I'll try that tonight. I don't use themes or music or pictures, I'm into the plain "give me the results" action I guess. I'll post you on here Oliver when I send it later today. Thanks
SnDvls316Posted on 05/15/04 at 00:42:07

even after deleating the files you said it was still way too big to zip and send to you (I think it was like 19mb or so) I did notice I have more then 1500 wrestlers (I know I need to get below 1500 so I'm trying that, but it just strikes me as odd that I import them as a team, and only them and they show up in the ranking along with all my un-imported teams, but otherwise they do not show up. I'll let you know more as I find out more, but if anyone else has any ideas let me know.

DominusPosted on 05/15/04 at 01:54:52

Are you sure your Zipping program is actually zipping them?  How big is your folder normally like 500mb?  Make sure before you zip, that it is actually compressing the data & not just adding it to a .zip file.  Because text (which what most of the files in TNM usually are) usually Compress at a very high ratio.
Oliver CoppPosted on 05/29/04 at 20:10:24

That's exactly the point. Maybe you should also delete all *.LOG files.... that could also be a thing that bloats the ZIP's size.
SnDvls316Posted on 06/29/04 at 00:45:33

could the problem be that I have High Energy and High Voltage both in the same circut?
Oliver CoppPosted on 07/05/04 at 17:33:32

That's not the reason.