Hardcore bumps in TNM and other questions

Job Van DamPosted on 06/09/04 at 17:38:09

I want to know how a wrestler's push, workrate, and stamina as well as height and weight effect the damage a wrestler takes while taking a hardcore bump.


Cactus Jack sets up a table
Cactus Jack puts Sabu on the table
Cactus Jack attempts an elbowdrop but Sabu rolls out of the way.
The Table is broken in half.

Another Example:

Shawn Michaels takes Triple H down with a bodyslam
Shawn Michaels climbs to the top of the cage
Shawn Michaels executes a moonsault but Triple H rolls out of the way.

Another Question I would like to know is if other moves can be done onto or with a chair how come the ability for a wrestler to execute his/her finisher has not been implemented? What about no-selling of finishers that could easily be no-sold if they were just normal moves in the wrestler's arsenal (ie clotheslines)?
Oliver CoppPosted on 06/10/04 at 09:47:24

With these bumps, it's more a matter of the individual's weight than the other attributes because impact is basically a function with the parameters weight and area.

Area is 'guesstimated' from the person's height, weight and build. The higher the area of your body, the less impact the bump will have.

Finisher onto a chair is on the wish list.

Personally, I hate finishers being no-sold but am open to implementing that if it's something that people want.
Job Van DamPosted on 06/10/04 at 15:39:05

I don't like finshers being no-sold either to be honest with you! But it's still not as bad as chair shots being no-sold!
xsouporheroxPosted on 06/10/04 at 18:06:05

Or if you're running a puro fed and everything is no-sold anyway.
Job Van DamPosted on 06/10/04 at 19:54:36

Now Now! You can't say that about all Puroreso. The heavyweights maybe, but not guys like Jyushin Jyger!
Job Van DamPosted on 06/10/04 at 19:56:19

Lyger, sorry
xsouporheroxPosted on 06/11/04 at 04:40:24

The Juniors no-sell too. Look at Onryo. And I'm not saying it's a bad thing. No-selling is great in the right context. It's truly a mark out moment when your personal favorite just pops up after taking a sick head drop.
americamamushiPosted on 06/11/04 at 05:49:40

No-selling is great in the right context. It's truly a mark out moment when your personal favorite just pops up after taking a sick head drop
Yeah, the entire concept of puro mentality is kinda built around no-selling at least a little.  It shows fighting spirit which is what fans want to see.  There is no greater site for a purofan than seeing a couple sick bumps and no-sells right in a row.  :D
xsouporheroxPosted on 06/11/04 at 17:51:03

Yeah, the secret really is you sell really really well for most of the match. And then the fighting spirit kicks in and you no-sell the big moves and hit your big moves. And hit your big moves another three or four times before the other guy will stay down. That's what makes Puro matches so fun.
americamamushiPosted on 06/11/04 at 19:12:39

Yeah, the secret really is you sell really really well for most of the match. And then the fighting spirit kicks in and you no-sell the big moves and hit your big moves. And hit your big moves another three or four times before the other guy will stay down. That's what makes Puro matches so fun.
That, and during Akiyama matches when the announcer yells "EXPULODAAAAAAAAAAH!"  ;D lol
xsouporheroxPosted on 06/11/04 at 23:06:13

TIGAH DRIVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Man, i can only understand a tenth of what the announcers say, but it cracks me up.