Odd problem

rainmakerrtvPosted on 05/26/04 at 19:42:16

For some reason, the card results in my TNM is no longer showing interference. Whenever somebody interferes in a match, it is no longer showing it in the card results. Any idea what is causing this?

DominusPosted on 05/26/04 at 20:54:43

Something to do with your Easter Eggs I think.  Or could be the wrestlers came down to interfere, but didn't actually do anything.
Oliver CoppPosted on 05/29/04 at 20:27:43

If you go into TweakCirc SE and click "Browse TNM.CNF", look for "Show Interference" (press the "s" key to search). Does it show up? If so, what value is currently assigned? It should be "1" to have interference show up in the card results.
rainmakerrtvPosted on 06/03/04 at 03:46:03

It doesn't show that key in "TNM.CNF" ... also, when I create a new circuit it doesn't seem to have the Easter Eggs, even though I have unlocked all of them . Nothing comes up when I run "Easter Eggs" in TweakCirc.

Oliver CoppPosted on 06/03/04 at 09:24:21

If you send me EXTRAS.CNF from the DATA folder, I'll set it up for you.
rainmakerrtvPosted on 06/05/04 at 21:31:53

I have e-mailed that to you.

Oliver CoppPosted on 06/06/04 at 14:37:07

Thanks. Will get it back to you ASAP.