How do i save match detailed results?

Shaun SindelmanPosted on 05/10/04 at 14:57:30

How can i save to disk the detailed play by play of my matches?
LillaThrillaPosted on 05/10/04 at 19:59:07

1) Make sure Match Logs are turned on (if you bring up the menu in a circuit, there is an option for Logs or Logfiles - there's probably also a shortcut key listed in the manual but I forget it)

2) Book & run a card.  Doesn't matter if you watch the matches or skip them.

3) In the circuit directory - c:\tnm7\mycircuit\ - there will now be a file called MATCHES.LOG (if it wasn't there already).  New matches will be appended to the end of the file.  You can always copy or cut the file elsewhere.  Don't worry if you delete it (which can also be done in the Logs/Logfiles menu I mentioned in #1) as TNM will just automatically generate a new one.
Oliver CoppPosted on 05/10/04 at 20:34:27

It's actually easy. Go into TweakCirc SE, then into "Match Options 2". Then click the first and third checkboxes after "Keep Play-By-Play" to automatically save all play-by-play with your matches.

If you want to do this for specific matches only, check the "Keep Play-By-Play" checkbox when scheduling a match.