Quick Question

RKLPosted on 05/01/04 at 20:29:20

Do finisher set-up moves and Cross-corner moves have to be in the wrestlers move set ?
TiLoBrownPosted on 05/01/04 at 20:38:40

I'm not sure if they have to but I've always included them.
John ProulxPosted on 05/01/04 at 23:24:15

RKLPosted on 05/02/04 at 02:40:59

I tested with Sting. Stinger Splash is listed as cross corner move and finishes set up move, but does not seem to appear in the his move set. I put him in an ironman match and he did the Stinger Splash twice.
Critic of the DawnPosted on 05/02/04 at 03:41:26

Finisher set-up moves: Generally yes, unless the move can be accessed in some other way.  For example, if your finisher set-up is a corner move, a cross corner move, or the second move of a combo, then it doesn't have to be.  If it isn't part of your movelist, then the only way you'll trigger the set-up -> Finisher chain is in the event of you using the set-up move to counter another move.

Cross-Corner: I don't believe so.

Corner moves:  I'm pretty sure they don't have to be.

Combo moves: The first must be part of your regular movelist.  The second does not.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
John ProulxPosted on 05/02/04 at 07:58:23

OK, I learn new things about TNM all the time :) .

Here's the relevant text from the manual:

Notes:      Only assign wrestlers offensive moves. Never assign moves such as backdrops, roll-aways etc.
     Make sure the most list for every wrestler contains his setup move for his finisher as well as for the combo move, otherwise they will not be triggered. The same applies to the wrestler's finisher-like move.

It might be useful in the next release of the manual to spell out the moves that don't need to be in the moveset as well.
Oliver CoppPosted on 05/02/04 at 10:48:09

Point taken ;)

The setup move should be (both for combo and for the finisher) in the moveset. Otherwise it'll only trigger the finisher/combo if it pops up as a counter.

The followup move on the combo doesn't have to be in the wrestler's move set. Also, leaving the followup part of the combo move empty will give you a series of three setup moves.