Site Issues

DarkAndEvilBastardPosted on 03/18/04 at 22:18:21

The "linking" problem on the site is deeper than thought, I think.  The automated code resend is bordering on 24 hours without resending, and the TNM7 Visualizer release alternate link is actually only TNM7 SE Build 1.

Which sucks, since I was hoping to bring one of older TNMs completely up to speed...=P

Oliver CoppPosted on 03/19/04 at 08:56:42

Code resending is semi-automatic. All forms have been sent out.

Sorry - I had been in the US for a week. TNM7.COM should be back in working order in one or two days.
DarkAndEvilBastardPosted on 03/24/04 at 03:41:19

No problemo Oliver.

I got really busy anyway, so no big on my end.