Cant make a new card

stinger310Posted on 02/25/04 at 02:10:52

What do you do when you have so many cards ran that you cant make another card?

rgarrardPosted on 02/25/04 at 04:32:30

From what I remember in my attempt to get TNM7 to roll over with one of my older rules sets, it takes 750 cards per circuit before a NEW circuit is automatically created by TNM carrying over your champions and roster to the new circuit.  I have only been able to roll it over one time and that was with TNM6.2.  I got to 572 cards with my TNM7FE attempt at roll over.

Thusly you can't break the thing by running too many cards... I've tried.  ;-)  And Oliver even fixed the HTML gateway so that you can name more than 255 cards by the same now after I found that bug in my breakage attempt.
stinger310Posted on 02/25/04 at 05:21:22

I have 111 cards and it wont let me make any more. I can set up cards and save them, but they dont show up anywhere.
stinger310Posted on 02/26/04 at 06:01:30

anyone??????  ??? ??? ???
rgarrardPosted on 02/26/04 at 06:49:06

my guess is the one that knows (Oliver) is out of town and away from his email and the boards again.  
stinger310Posted on 03/01/04 at 03:51:42

Oliver or anyone please help?

stinger310Posted on 03/01/04 at 03:58:46

I tried to delete a card and I got this error message:

This circuit cards database seems to be corrupt. The card deleting option has been deactivated for security reasons.

CARDSA.004: 24 records instread of 21.

rgarrardPosted on 03/01/04 at 04:12:16

Zip up your tnm and send it to Oliver.
Oliver CoppPosted on 03/02/04 at 18:44:40

That's the problem: your circuit's card counter doesn't match up with the internally-stored ones. I'd suggest zipping up the circuit folder and sending it to

Thanks for the help, Rick :)

stinger310Posted on 03/06/04 at 22:51:38

On 03/02/04 at 18:44:40, Oliver Copp wrote:That's the problem: your circuit's card counter doesn't match up with the internally-stored ones. I'd suggest zipping up the circuit folder and sending it to

Thanks for the help, Rick :)

On its way. Thanks guys.
stinger310Posted on 03/16/04 at 02:15:54

Ii sent in my fed database two weeks ago, and have not heard anything YET. Wasit received?

rey619Posted on 03/16/04 at 09:30:31

I think maybe Oliver has a lot on his hands right now, with the various problems occuring on the website (wrestlers can't be downloaded, doesn't work)...
Oliver CoppPosted on 03/20/04 at 18:02:51

stinger - Please wait one more day and I'll have it back to you. Right now, I'm still working out the chinks regarding our online service.

PulsarPosted on 03/20/04 at 20:08:11

Oliver, you're my boy and all, but I think you meant clinks. Chinks...well...not a nice word, if you know what I mean
Oliver CoppPosted on 03/20/04 at 22:08:28

Ever heard of the term "chinks in the armor"? It's not just a derogatory word ;)
Critic_of_the_DawnPosted on 03/21/04 at 04:03:10

On 03/20/04 at 22:08:28, Oliver Copp wrote:Ever heard of the term "chinks in the armor"? It's not just a derogatory word ;)
I dunno...  sounds like it would be derogatory to the armor too...

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
Oliver CoppPosted on 03/21/04 at 14:26:34

LOL! Don't know why but that was really funny ;)
Critic_of_the_DawnPosted on 03/21/04 at 23:30:25

I try.  ;D

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"