New Visualizer Problem

Chris AllenPosted on 02/25/04 at 17:13:44

After adding some more pictures via the Image Wizard, none of my pictures are showing up anymore.  Also, when I go into the Image Wizard now, every picture is shown in the stray media section and nobody's picture is set.  The index.dat file is full of stuff, though.  The program apparently just isn't reading the file, or the file is somehow corrupt and I'm just overlooking the error in it.  What should I do, Oliver?
Chris AllenPosted on 02/25/04 at 18:09:06

Hmmm, think I rectified the situation by renaming the index.dat file to index.bak, going into the Image Wizard, and reassigning all of the pictures.  Took a while, but it works now.
Oliver CoppPosted on 03/02/04 at 18:42:48

Hi Chris,

do you still have the old INDEX.DAT file? If so, I'd love to see it.

Thanks and sorry for the late reply!

Chris AllenPosted on 03/04/04 at 01:27:03

I think I still have it. I'll e-mail it to you shortly if I can find it.

For the most part, the Visualizer has been working great with a couple of exceptions. For some reason, The Young Lions (Christian York and Joey Matthews) never have pictures when tagging together. Other joint tag team images show up. I tried removing the joint pictures and letting it use their singles pictures, but it is still blank. I'm not talking about the little box with the name in it that shows up when there's no assigned picture... There is NOTHING where their pictures should be.

Also, just now I had a four-corners tag match with the Bashams in it, and Shaniqua's picture took up the entire visualizer window, blocking the pictures of everyone else in the match. :-X

Oh, by the way, that weird problem I was having where I was having to run the Diagnostics Tool after opening TNM to avoid crashes vanished. I didn't do anything, it just suddenly stopped happening. :D
Oliver CoppPosted on 03/05/04 at 08:28:16

Are you sure the pictures for York and Matthews are JPGs or BMPs? GIFs can't be used.

Shaniqua fullscreen? Extremely awkward thought ;)
Chris AllenPosted on 03/05/04 at 18:27:36

I just confirmed that they are indeed JPGs.  I reassigned the pictures to them and they still refuse to show up.  Also, I haven't had a reoccurence of Shaniqua Kong, but I also haven't used any other manager since then.

Any luck with that file I sent?
Oliver CoppPosted on 03/06/04 at 11:50:39

I didn't get any so far. Could you please CC to

TiLoBrownPosted on 03/20/04 at 20:04:27

I also have a problem with the pictures not showing up. Worked back in the beta days but not now  :(. All the pics are JPGs or BMPs.