TNM7SE intro problem

Squidster89Posted on 02/17/04 at 22:42:24

I have winXP (if that is important)

I have encountered a wierd problem. Every once in a while at the end of a intro in a card, tnm just shuts down. An error # pops up, but only for .1 sec. When I come back, i have to start my entire card over. It is very frustrating. I only get tnm for the trial, and in the past years, this has never happened. If it is immportant i have tried to import plugins such as interveiw, picture, tweak. Any help for me.
Oliver CoppPosted on 02/19/04 at 07:18:27

I'd recommend the following: right click the icon you have on your desktop for TNM. If you have none, please create a shortcut to TNM on your desktop.

Right click the icon and select "Properties". Select the "Shortcut" tab.

There's a "Target" field which should read something like this:


Add the following prefix:

%windir%\System32\cmd.exe /k

That would give you:

%windir%\System32\cmd.exe /k c:\tnm7se\tnm7.bat

It's important that you leave the target itself untouched and only add the prefix before it.

This will cause the DOS shell to remain open if your TNM crashes. Once it happens again, please let me know what the error number and program counter is and I'll help ya.

Squidster89Posted on 02/20/04 at 22:51:10

Error 53 pgm-crt: 112099
Oliver CoppPosted on 03/02/04 at 18:39:36

Please check your C:\CONFIG.SYS (or CONFIG.NT) file with Notepad.

There should be a


line somewhere, with xx being a number.

If it's not there, add this in the end:


If the number is lower than 20, please up it to 20.

Haven't seen this one in a couple of years *g*