Why don't I have any wrestlers?

j5eRPosted on 10/24/03 at 00:31:43

TNM7SE doesn't download with wrestlers now for many reasons, one being copyright I believe.  They are located in the wrestler exports section of the page.  You have to download and install them yourself.  They're sorted by federations for wasy download, or individually as well.

Cheers, John!
Oliver CoppPosted on 10/26/03 at 09:14:14

Copyright isn't really the issue here, our agreement with WWE runs through July 2004. It was more the fact that it's impossible to install ALL wrestlers that are available for TNM 7 SE and still retain a working copy :-)
Critic_of_the_DawnPosted on 02/09/04 at 23:18:21

I don't have my own computer in front of me (as it's dead), so this might not be 100% accurate, but my guess is that you haven't actually imported them.

Basically, you download the wrestlers into your Imports file, then go to the database from the main menu.  Once there, select Wrestlers and Import.  You should see a list of files.  Select the files you downloaded containing the wrestlers, and TNM will integrate them into its database, along with all of the moves attatched to them, the tag teams, managers, etc.  Tada.  Done.

If you choose to download more wrestlers in the future, follow the same process.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
Oliver CoppPosted on 02/15/04 at 13:38:28

dagame - did you remember to unzip the files BEFORE putting them into the EXPORTS folder?
