djewelPosted on 01/19/04 at 05:40:51

For some reason I have no wrestlers or anything in my database. Ive even tried reinstalling the TNM7SE 2X now.. Ive tried importing wrestlers even but my system comes up BLANK its like not even defaults that might have been in TNM7SE are there.. Anybody who can help please let me know. I went out and registered the program quickly because I loved the old one and now I cant get it to work!!  ???
Oliver CoppPosted on 01/19/04 at 08:30:26

TNM 7 Second Edition is being shipped without wrestlers because there are simply so many of them that if it came with the wrestlers and their moves installed, the top would be blown off of the program :)

Instead, everybody is encouraged to download just the wrestlers they need. You can get them HERE:

Download whatever wrestler packs you'd like (and also single wrestlers not in packs that you'd like) and unzip the export files into the EXPORTS folder which sits inside your TNM7SE folder.

Then run TNM 7, go into Database/Control Center and click "Import". Select the files one by one and you're set :-)
djewelPosted on 01/19/04 at 14:03:25

:) Ok boy do I feel silly now :). I guess I win the dumb ques tion of the month award. Thanks
rey619Posted on 01/19/04 at 18:40:49

Don't think you're the first one to ask, but you're the first one THIS month, so yes, you win this month's award.  ;)
Critic_of_the_DawnPosted on 01/19/04 at 21:39:26

That actually gives me an idea, Oliver.  Maybe you can have TNM give a little notice to that effect any time it starts up with 0 wrestlers in its main database?

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
Oliver CoppPosted on 01/21/04 at 20:55:56

Excellent idea!!!