Match ratings?

Dameyon_MoorePosted on 01/09/04 at 13:42:38

I'm sure this is covered somewhere, but I'm too lazy to dig through it all, and I'd rather just ask so...

How do the ratings break down?

I know that it basically runs something like this:


But where does the DUD factor in?  I always assumed that a DUD was right in the middle, but I'm beginning to second guess that.

I've also noticed that -- well, in my eyes -- that the matches rate a little more "realistically" or more to my liking than they used to.  More three star matches, which seems to be what the average match is, and some decent fours and whatnot.  And when the five hits, the five brings a pretty good feel with 'em.

SE rocks, if I do say so myself.
PulsarPosted on 01/09/04 at 21:12:08

You are corret, DUD is the equivalent of 0. It wasn't hated, or liked either. -* matches suck, * matches are received with the fans for one reason or another