More errors!

Ryo_HazukiPosted on 08/02/03 at 10:25:11

I downloaded the ZERO-ONE, NJ, AJ and WJ wrestler packs off the main site, and once again, I can't run cards without errors. I managed to have a couple matches work, but every match was for the title for some reason! Now I can't even run a card. TNM7DIAG shuts down with errors. I should have learned last time this happened that I need to back up my stuff before importing, but I figured they were from the official site, so it wouldn't be neccesary.
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/02/03 at 10:36:43

Don't worry too much, it's probably something small. What is the exact error you're getting?

If you want to be on the safe side, feel free to ZIP up your TNM 7 SE folder and e-mail it to me with a description of the error you're getting.

Ryo_HazukiPosted on 08/02/03 at 11:09:58

Thank you for replying so quickly.

I'm getting Error 62 at pgm-ctr: 66738 when I try to run a card.

I get Error 62 at pgm-ctr: 71374 when I run tnm7diag
Ryo_HazukiPosted on 08/02/03 at 11:11:53

Oh, and I get Error 9 at pgm-ctr: 207741 when I try to go into TNM Control Center.
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/02/03 at 11:38:40

Try deleting all *.IDX files in the DATA folder, then starting up TNM 7 SE and going into the Control Center.

If the errors persist, please ZIP up the folder and send it in with a description of what steps you followed for installation, i.e. how you got to where you are now.

Ryo_HazukiPosted on 08/02/03 at 12:28:05

I tried what you said but I get the same error. I guess I'll have to send you the zip. Thanks again for your help.
doors11Posted on 08/02/03 at 18:50:38

I had a problem like that too.

I checked my wrestler database and saw that i had 1254 or something like that listed 10-20 times as wrestlers. I deleted all of them and now the game works fine.

This happened after i imported one of the new wrestler exports on the main site.

See if this helps
Ryo_HazukiPosted on 08/03/03 at 01:03:55

I can't even get into my database to delete wrestlers.
doors11Posted on 08/03/03 at 07:15:24

I had to re install the program first.

It sounds like it's the same problem i had, but after re installed and than when to database and del those 1254 or something like that everything worked fine.

I hope this helps as this is even a better game than the old build.

Thanks Oliver for the great update.
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/03/03 at 11:09:40

Thanks. Could you please let me know what exactly you imported? Maybe one of the uploaded files is corrupted in some way, and I'd like to take care of that ASAP.

doors11Posted on 08/03/03 at 22:42:01

I'm not sure which one gave me the error message when i was imported them.I got some kind of error message and the TNM7SE wouldn't even start anymore. I than re installed TNM7SE. It worked fine but i could not
run a match. That's when i went in the database and noticed all those 1254 or some numbers like that for wrestlers.I deleted them and it works great now.

The zips I dl were  


Hope this helps
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/03/03 at 23:37:31

Installed a clean copy.

Imported RAW, SD, TNA and ROH.

Ran TNMDIAG - everything perfectly ok.

Maybe it was something with the first released versions of the export files. It does seem to have gone away, though...

Critic_of_the_DawnPosted on 08/05/03 at 06:53:28

Maybe I can help you nail down the cause of the error.  I just seem to have had a related problem, except it effected one circuit only.  The others were untouched.  The problem seems to have been due to an incomplete transcription of newly exported wrestlers - In my case, they seem to be the latest versions of NWA-TNA and ROH.

I went along my merry way happily booking today's RAW card with the usual assistance of RM2, which has been very good to me since we figured out that commas were bad news.  Anyway, I booked the card as usual with no problems.  I was just going to add a point to Eddie Guerrero's push manually because he won a title in the real WWE when, to my dismay, I found myself once again confronted by the horrible sight of blank slots in the wrestler list along with some 0's and a "The No Fear Train".  Some of them, when clicked, caused TNM7 to crash with an Error 9 at pgm-ctr 79502 message.  Others just showed totally blank wrestler screens.

I checked my circdb.dat file at this point, as it's acted up before.  No commas this time, though.  Instead, I found a bunch of wrestlers that apparently had come through incompletely - without names, at the very least, and possibly missing other bits.  My first hunch was that RM2 had again messed things up somehow (I, being a stubborn bastard, continue to use it), but the only ones like that were those after Triple H (as opposed to Hunter Hearst Helmsley), which was the last WWE wrestler I imported.  I compared this to my SmackDown! circuit, which also uses RM2 (again, because I'm a stubborn bastard), and found that the wrestlers had entered circdb.dat in that circuit correctly - or at least not been corrupted.  The first was Altar Boy Luke, if it matters at all.

Anyway, I was able to run the card I had booked without trouble, but following it, about 30-odd nameless wrestlers offered to renew their contracts.  I accepted all of them so as not to make them mad enough to trash my circuit.  Then, when they least expected it, I copied the correct data from the Smackdown circdb.dat, counted lines to be sure I was lining everything up properly, and pasted.

Problem solved.

Almost.  RM2 still said there's 1 nameless wrestler in my circuit even though nothing else seemed to indicate that there was.  I checked circdb.dat again, and on a hunch, counted the number of lines after the last wrestler.  Ah-ha!  There was one more than in every other gap!  I deleted that line, saved circdb.dat, and loaded up TNM7 once again.  I then proceeded to try to enter the RAW circuit.

Error 62 at pgm-ctr: 176636

Everything was restored to its normal working order after I simply added the extra empty line again, but RM2 still insists I have a worker with no name and no push.  Not a big deal.

My poking around, plus the fact that several others have had a similar problem, seems to indicate that there is a problem somewhere.  However, I've got a hunch that it's in the program's import function rather than in the exports themselves.  It might be worth checking out, if it's possible.

Oh, by the way, while doing this, I figured out why my wrestlers in those two circuits all had nicknames displaying as " ".  Apparently during the transition between betas, something (probably RM2) put a sinlgle space in the line that would normally either hold the nickname or be empty if no nickname existed.  Thus, TNM read everyone's nickname as being " ".

Anyway, good luck isolating the problem.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/05/03 at 12:24:35

Thank you very much, Eric, for your detailed description.

What you wrote sounds very logical through and through with one exception: if the importing routine didn't import correctly, TNM7DIAG would catch it after finishing the importing procedure. Even on a completely empty TNM 7 SE (no moves, no dives, no nothing), these files imported fine and TNM7DIAG reported nothing bad...
Critic_of_the_DawnPosted on 08/05/03 at 21:43:22

Good point.  The Diagnostic utility never found anything wrong during my little file editing adventure either.  So that couldn't be it...

Maybe it relates somehow to the bit of code that transfers wrestlers from the global database into the circuit specific one, then?  I'm sure you must have at least changed a few lines while working on SE to facilitate the inclusion of nicknames.  Could there possibly be a typo or something somewhere in that section of code, maybe?  Just taking shots in the dark here, really, since I know next to nothing about programming.

Ah, I love intermittent problems!  They never happen when there's a programmer/mechanic/doctor/etc around.  Good luck pinning it down, and I'll post another longwinded and overly detailed report if I stumble across anything similar again.  ;)

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/05/03 at 22:53:28

That was the first thing to come to mind, Eric. If there's a bug in that part of the program, it is well hidden and only strikes under very specific circumstances.

I tried starting out with a blank DB, then imported, created a circuit, went into the circuit, exited, imported some more, went into the circuit, deleted some wrestlers, went into the circuit again... no dice.

Thanks again for your help. I sure hope we nail this one soon.

By the way - are you using the 8/4 build? Highly recommended...
Critic_of_the_DawnPosted on 08/06/03 at 02:39:39

Encountered the exact same bug again after using RM2 to generate another card in another circuit.  So in my case, RM2's incompatibility with TNM SE is definately the culprit.  Since I had already fixed it once, it only took 2 minutes this time.  So I've scaled back my usage of it to the point that I only use it to view my ratings by division (That apparently doesn't alter the database, just views it) while using a series of random event generators originally designed for an online political RPG and a couple text files to duplicate the other functions.  Oh well.  It was only a matter of time, I suppose.

I'm actually not using the 8/4 build yet.  I'll download it shortly.  Thanks for the heads up.  I noticed the roster packs had been updated, but not the actual program.

I'd offer more suggestions of what to look at and check for, but I don't know crap about programming, so intuitive hunches are all I can manage.  Given that I've isolated RM2 as almost certainly being the cause of what I've seen, my hunches probably aren't even all that relevent, as I'm actually causing myself a similar problem rather than encountering the one that's hitting other people.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
hbkid718Posted on 08/21/03 at 21:37:48

After I got TNM upgraded and fixed the problem that I e-mailed Oliver with, I tried to import the wrestlers into TNM and now have the same problem as Ryo_Hazuki. I tried doing what Critic_of_the_Dawn did, with looking at the circuitdb.dat and deleting extra lines, but that didn't work. I then put the lines back and it still didn't work. I then ran the TNM7DIAG and it says "Wrestler record for X contained errors", where X is different numbers, including 0. Most of the ones that have names are NWA-TNA wrestlers. Also, it says "Wrestler database corrupt".
Then it says "Error found in move 'a vertical suplex into a reverse neckbreaker'", "Move database corrupt"
It then says that the managers database is fine and then says "Errors were found in one or more of your data files" It then asks "Do you want to repair the errors?" I click Yes and then "Error 62" comes up and TNM returns to the main screen.  Please help me. Thanks.
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/21/03 at 21:49:18

Please zip up the TNM 7 SE folder and send it over. I'll see what I can do.

Using a database manipulation function on a database that has already been reported as being corrupt is... well, I can't say the word I'd want to... not a good idea  :-/

I'll try to help you but don't count on it being able to save your behind ;-)
hbkid718Posted on 09/06/03 at 21:09:49

Hey Oliver,

I sent you my Zipped TNM a while ago, and I have yet to hear from you or received my TNM back. I downloaded the TNM Database Cleaner and installed it. It looked like it fixed my problem, but then I tried to restart TNM and the same thing happened as before. An error came up and TNM shut down. Please help. Thanks.
Oliver CoppPosted on 09/08/03 at 18:14:15

I'm sorry but looking through my e-mails, I didn't receive any attachments from you at either or
hbkid718Posted on 09/30/03 at 02:23:13

I hate to be a pain, but I still haven't heard from you, Oliver. Did you fix my TNM? Please get back to me. Thanks.
Oliver CoppPosted on 10/03/03 at 09:42:25

Last thing I remember is sending you an e-mail that the wrestlers you mentioned as being a problem exported fine. Is there anything I'm missing?
hbkid718Posted on 10/03/03 at 20:17:42

I fixed that problem, but then I had trouble importing wrestlers into TNM. This is the problem, copied from my previous post.

I ran TNM7DIAG and it said, "Wrestler record for X contained errors", where X is different numbers, including 0. Most of the ones that have names are NWA-TNA wrestlers. Also, it says "Wrestler database corrupt".
Then it says "Error found in move 'a vertical suplex into a reverse neckbreaker'", "Move database corrupt"
It then says that the managers database is fine and then says "Errors were found in one or more of your data files" It then asks "Do you want to repair the errors?" I click Yes and then "Error 62" comes up and TNM returns to the main screen.  

Also, the error is preventing me from going into my circuits or anything else. Error 62 comes up and shuts down TNM. I hope that helps. Thanks.
Oliver CoppPosted on 10/04/03 at 08:31:27

And I'm asking you to please ZIP up that particular version again and send it over. It's probably something that I can fix within minutes but unless I have physical access to your data, I can't possibly offer any suggestions.
hbkid718Posted on 10/16/03 at 07:37:43

I was wondering if Oliver has fixed my TNM. I'm waiting to use the Visualizer, but I can't. So what's going on? Thanks.
Oliver CoppPosted on 10/17/03 at 08:59:08

From my e-mail dated Oct 10:

Your wrestler database is totally shot. I've been editing it for hours upon hours but still am only at around 25 percent.

Are there any wrestlers in there that you created and would need to retain?

If not, please let me know which wrestler packs you need and I'll grow you a new wrestler database from it. Your circuits will not be lost, don't worry.
hbkid718Posted on 10/20/03 at 07:45:43

Thanks Oliver for responding. I created 2 wrestlers, Darren the Dangerous and Hollywood Cooldude, and would like to retain them. As for any wrestler packs, I need all of the wrestlers that you released when TNMSE came out. Thanks again and I hope you can get my TNM back to working condition.
Oliver CoppPosted on 10/26/03 at 09:26:23

I'll make sure I keep those. Would it be ok if I sent you a TNM where you'd only have those two? This way you'd be able to import whom you want/need without having to use the DB Cleaner plugin to get rid of everything unneeded later.
hbkid718Posted on 10/27/03 at 06:58:11

That would be great, as long as I won't lose my circuits. I forgot I also need to keep Dave Harris, another created wrestler, if it's not too late. Thanks.
hbkid718Posted on 12/11/03 at 06:41:32

Hey Oliver,

I was wondering what was going on with my TNM. I would like to get my circuits up and running again. So, have you fixed my TNM yet? Please help me. Thanks.
Oliver CoppPosted on 12/12/03 at 16:46:13

You didn't receive the e-mail? I'm very sorry :-/

I'm not at home at the moment but I'll be back in Germany on Wednesday and will resend the file then.

Please accept my apologies.