Circuit doesnt show last card in list

Shaun SindelmanPosted on 07/19/08 at 06:19:35

My TNM got screwy so I reinstalled on top of it.

Now, for some reason, when I go to either of my circuits, the last card in the list does not display. This is a problem since I obviously cant access the card I just finished scheduling.

Any solutions?
BoPosted on 07/20/08 at 00:37:47

Try the following. It may world if not you may have to contact Oliver.

I found a fix for this problem. I decided to sort by the files that were last modified, opened Notepad, and opened each file until I found something that might be the cause of the problem. The file that I found the problem in was card.ovv and I noticed it listed three cards but not the fourth card and fifth card, with the fifth card being the card I had just scheduled. So what I did was typed in the card names for each show and it worked.  

So maybe Error 62's can be corrected easier than it was first thought.
The TNM Members ChampPosted on 07/20/08 at 00:44:58

The above is what I posted to correct a problem I had. I would definitely recommend going into that file and seeing if a card name is missing and just type it exactly in if it is gone.
BoPosted on 07/20/08 at 04:04:30

Sorry Yea this was Members Champions fix, forgot to give credit.

Jeff the god of biscuitsPosted on 07/20/08 at 06:36:34

gimmick infringement?
Shaun SindelmanPosted on 07/20/08 at 23:35:58

Ok...I tried that method and still nothing.


Edit - Oliver fixed my problem somehow after I sent him my TNM7 folder in a zip. Thanks again.