Problem with random werestler

jharnischPosted on 08/11/03 at 00:09:59


When I have a match that is set to pick a random wrestler, the program freezes. It does not matter if it is the first or another match. I am running XP and have run the diagnostic program.

Jeff Harnisch
RKLPosted on 08/11/03 at 01:00:45

Mine also freezes with random wrestler. I also run XP.
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/11/03 at 01:54:47

It would be interesting to know what mode the circuit is being run in (e-mail mode vs regular mode), what type of match was selected and how many wrestlers are hired in your circuits.

RKLPosted on 08/11/03 at 06:34:48

It seems to only happen in e-mail mode when nobody has been previously hired.

I started a brand new email circuit and held a singles match, arn anderson vs random. TNM froze upon starting the card. Than tried another card tag team wresler/wrestler vs. wrestler/random. TNM froze. Changed it to hired wrestlers only; hired about 10 guys. Tried the same type of matches and random opponent seemed to work fine. Switched back to email mode and it still seemed to work fine, but I believe tnm7 only picked randomly from the guys I had hired manually, forgetting all the rest of the email mode roster. Switched back to hiring mode and fired all the guys I previously hired. Again switched to email, ran a match with a random wrestler and TNM froze again.

Oliver CoppPosted on 08/11/03 at 08:50:18

Technically, the program is "right" to lock up in that case because the roster by definition is the sum of people you have hired :)

At the same time, it is wrong by not taking the fact that your circuit is in e-mail mode into the equation.

A quick fix is available upon request.
jharnischPosted on 08/12/03 at 05:22:59

how do we get this fix?

Oliver CoppPosted on 08/12/03 at 06:43:26

Either please e-mail me or join the TNM Visualizer list at

On that list, you can always get the very latest code because it's currently the main branch of development.