Music, Texas Death Matches, and more...

PeteF3Posted on 08/04/03 at 04:20:04

A few things...

1.) When I use the internal player to play MP3 themes, it often takes several seconds for the music to start (longer than in TNM7) and for the first 10 seconds or so, the sound is very choppy and goes in and out.  This problem disappears when I play themes the old way, but the last theme no longer stops when the match starts or when I leave the match results, and I have to stop it on WinAmp myself.  

I have a LOT of (mostly 60-second) themes, all in one directory...could this have something to do with it?

2.) I only tried it once and maybe I did something wrong, but I couldn't seem to be able to book Texas Death Matches (book a fall, then a countout 1 second afterward to end the match).  Do I have to download that add-on again for SE?

3.) After unlocking the Show Interference Easter Egg, I decided I didn't like it and tried to deactivate it in TweakCirc (i.e., I answered "No" when it asked if I wanted to activate it), yet the Interference notes remain.  Is there any way to get rid of them?

Thanks in advance.
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/04/03 at 10:14:55

1.) TNM 7 FE starts WinAmp to play the theme. TNM 7 SE interfaces with Windows. Once TNM 7 SE has sent the command to play the file, all is in Windows' hand. Under the hood, Windows loads the libraries for the Windows Media Player to process MP3 files, which takes some time depending on the system. If the output is choppy, that can have two reasons, none of which are related to TNM 7 SE or can be fixed by me. a) the computer is too slow to play the theme fine while the other libraries are loaded by Windows or b) the sound card driver needs to be updated. I'm leaning towards a)

2) With SE, just book a pinfall, the countout will automatically be processed.

3) Rename the file EXTRAS.CNF in your DATA folder to anything else. Then the value won't be overridden again.
rptDX316Posted on 08/04/03 at 21:21:56

For the last one, you could always just download the Circuit Editor and remove the interference notes manually.  That way, if you ever wanted to keep any of them, you could.