Restarting Match

DominusPosted on 08/04/03 at 10:11:44

After restarting a match I noticed that in the log file, it keeps that.  Well I guess that's not really a bad thing actually.  But when a wrestler was interferred with, even after restarting the match and no interference happened, it still lists interference when none happened after the restart.  I thought TNM totally voids what happened before after restarting a match.
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/04/03 at 12:10:51

Thank you very much, you've just reported a bug that has been fixed :)

Some things you really don't ever think of. And this goes to prove that no matter how much testing you do (and those on the beta tester lists know how much work everybody put in), there's always going to be something else :)

DominusPosted on 08/04/03 at 13:05:11

Heh that's 2 I've found so far, I should have beta tested!  *g*
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/04/03 at 14:39:21

There's always a next time, isn't there *g* ?