Error 62 at pgm-ctr: 114211

The TNM Members ChampPosted on 02/27/08 at 02:43:40

I just finished scheduling and saving a card. When I opened TNM again and clicked the circuit, TNM me this error message:

Error 62 at pgm-ctr: 114211

Any ideas?
The TNM Members ChampPosted on 02/27/08 at 05:41:24

I found a fix for this problem. I decided to sort by the files that were last modified, opened Notepad, and opened each file until I found something that might be the cause of the problem. The file that I found the problem in was card.ovv and I noticed it listed three cards but not the fourth card and fifth card, with the fifth card being the card I had just scheduled. So what I did was typed in the card names for each show and it worked.

So maybe Error 62's can be corrected easier than it was first thought.
ThnikkamanPosted on 03/03/08 at 19:25:19

now if you can just find a fix for my gimmick database shutting down TNM when I try to get into it
lazy duckPosted on 07/01/08 at 06:29:13

I just got this errer with my ROH circuit and tried to add the card that was missing but still unable to open the circuit.Any ideas or am I lost?
lazy duckPosted on 07/01/08 at 20:36:24

Any one have any ideas? I really don't want to have to end it.
UnrightPosted on 07/02/08 at 00:48:47

Might be a bit too technical for us, lazy duck. You could try TNM Champ's method outlined above, or just try e-mailing Oliver.