WCW contracts picked up by WWE in 2001?

LillaThrillaPosted on 03/10/09 at 21:25:56

I'm looking for a list of the wrestler contracts that WWE picked up when they purchased WCW in 2001.  I think it was 24 guys?
Snabbit888Posted on 03/10/09 at 22:12:44

I can't find an actual list, but we could probably compile one.

These ones I know for sure:

Sean Stasiak
Lash Leroux
Kaz Hayashi
Elix Skipper
Billy Kidman
Shane Helms
Lance Storm
Hugh Morrus
Snabbit888Posted on 03/10/09 at 22:18:31

I believe Evan Karagis was on that list too.  As was Shannon Moore.
pszPosted on 03/11/09 at 07:01:31

Was Booker T brought in later, or was he part of the Invasion-Contract group?
Snabbit888Posted on 03/11/09 at 07:22:21

Booker was brought in later.  His contract was too steep for WWE to pick up, so it was restructured to be brought in for less money.
Drunken FoolPosted on 03/11/09 at 16:54:28

Snabbit888Posted on 03/11/09 at 18:13:13

Kanyon was brought in later too.  He wasn't originally bought out.  Same with DDP.

I think Jindrak & O'Haire were included though.
ZedjaPosted on 03/11/09 at 18:35:48

The Radicalz joined in 2000 so I guess you can exclude those. Lets see here.

I checked OWW and these are the wrestlers employed by WCW in the 2000's:
Bill Goldberg
Bret Hart
Dallas Page
David Arquette
Chris Kanyon
David Flair
Shane Helms
Shannon Moore
Evan Karagias
Lenny Lane
Rey Mysterio Jr
Billy Kidman
Disco Inferno
Juvintud Guerrera
Hugh Morrus
Chavo Guerrero
Lash Laroux
Johnny The Bull
Big Vito
Booker T
Rick Steiner
Tank Abbott
Brian Knobbs
Norman Smiley
Greg Valentine
Rick Martel
Jacques Rougeau
Carl Oulette
The Demon
Jim Powers
Scott Putski
Shane Douglas
Bam Bam Bigelow
Lance Storm
Elix Skipper
Mike Awesome
Mike Sanders
Shawn Stasiak
Chuck Palumbo
Sean O'Haire
Mark Jindrak
The Maestro
Scott Steiner
Jeff Jarrett
Harris Twins
Brian Adams
Bryan Clarke
Curt Hennig
Bobby Duncum Jr
Kendell Windham
Chris Candido
The Artist
The Cat
Kevin Nash
Scott Hall
Buff Bagwell
Stevie Ray
Mike Jones
Kaz Hayashi
Jamie Knoble
Alex Wright
The Wall
MI Smooth

I bolded the ones I think was included.
Snabbit888Posted on 03/11/09 at 21:17:42

I can't prove this, but I don't think Shane Douglas was included given his history with WWE.
LillaThrillaPosted on 03/11/09 at 22:22:54

Shane Douglas and Jeff Jarrett were definitely not picked up due to their histories with WWF.

Also, I know nobody with a guranteed contract was picked up.
Snabbit888Posted on 03/11/09 at 23:50:54

From re-looking at that list, I believe Johnny the Bull was picked up too.
Drunken FoolPosted on 03/12/09 at 01:05:11

sarasm on: I can't believe WWE missed out on Kendall Windham, that would've been a big coup for them :sarcasm off
King_Of_Old_SchoolPosted on 03/25/09 at 15:15:39

WCW stars signed by WWF(E):

Mike Awesome
Hugh Morrus
Lance Storm
Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Shawn Stasiak
Johnny the Bull
Shane Helms
Shannon Moore
Evan Karagias
Chuck Palumbo
Sean O'Haire
Mike Sanders
Mark Jindrak
Elix Skipper
Kwee Wee
Lash LeRoux
The Wall
Kaz Hayashi
Jamie Knoble
Yun Yang
Stacey Keibler
Jason Jett
Kid Romeo
Billy Kidman
Torrie Wilson

WCW Under Time Warner Contract:

Booker T
Diamond Dallas Page
Chris Kanyon
Bryan Clark
Brian Adams
Ric Flair
The Cat Ernest Miller
Lex Luger
Sid Vicious
Rick Steiner
Scott Steiner
Dustin Rhodes
Kevin Nash
Jeff Jarrett
Bam Bam Bigelow
Alex Wright
Tony Schiavone
Big Vito
Shane Douglas
Road Warrior Animal
LillaThrillaPosted on 03/26/09 at 03:05:37

Once again you rock sir!